Friday 22 December 2017

Friday, December 22, 2017

Today was a great day!! We had so much fun playing board games and interacting with our classmates. Ms. Wade came back to visit us for the day. She helped Mrs. Thompson and the students finish their Christmas ornaments (which turned out so beautiful, thank you to Jack for the great idea). This afternoon we watched the student vs teacher volleyball game (the teachers won).

We made sure our lockers and desks were cleaned and organized so that we are all set for a great start to 2018 when we return after the break.

Work over the break:
1. Be kind to others
2. Help others, this season is about giving.
3. Please have a fresh independent reading book ready for January 8th (a book the student has never read before).

Wishing you a very happy and blessed Christmas with family.
See you in the New Year!

Thursday 21 December 2017

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Literacy- a new reading book [Jan 8th]

Reminders- Tomorrow:
Mug Fri


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Literacy- a new reading book [Wed 8th]

Math- exit card signed [tomorrow]

Reminders- Bring a mug [Fri]

Christmas can drive

tomorrow wear Christmas PJ's or ugly sweater

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Jobs this week:
Boards and brushes - Owen
Blog - Max
Absent student forms - Gabriela
Messenger - Dillon
Homework board - Madelyn

Literacy- new reading book Jan 8th

Math- exit card signed {Thur}

Reminders- Wed Christmas hat or hair
Christmas can drive
CC field trip wed
WOW assembly wed

Max :)

Friday 15 December 2017

Friday, December 15, 2017

Today: we worked on an open-ended area question in math, we did Social Studies PSA presentations (they were awesome), students completed their logos and narratives and submitted them.

Next week is busy:
Tuesday - Bricks for Kids presentation and music
Wednesday - Cardinal Carter Middle school and academy field trip in the morning, 1:45 Wow Assembly.
Thursday - pizza lunch for those who ordered, movie morning (won through read-a-thon).
Friday - board game morning, free pizza lunch (two slices/student) from read-a-thon win, student-teacher volleyball game in the afternoon.

Next week theme days:
Monday is red and green crazy sock day,
Tuesday is Christmas Tie Tuesday,
Wednesday is Christmas Hat or Crazy Christmas Hair day,
Thursday is red and white (dress like a candy cane) day, and Christmas PJ's or ugly Christmas sweater
Friday is Christmas spirit day

Thursday 14 December 2017

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Today was a great day!!

We did a new math starter together, and worked on this problem:
The area of a parallelogram is exactly 10 cm squared more than the area of a triangle. What could the dimensions of the shapes be?
Try this out at home!!!
Also try out Q 9-17 from yesterday and get your Unit 3 math tests signed by Friday

We worked on our narratives (must be done by the end of the day tomorrow)

Logos - due Friday (in class only)

Friday is Jersey day
The Wow Assembly has been postponed... new date coming soon
CC Field Trip forms due Monday
Please bring toilet paper rolls tomorrow if you can
Christmas can drive, bring in a donation if you can

Mrs. Thompson

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Math - finish questions 1 - 8 (Th), get Unit 3 test signed by Friday

Art/Math/Media Literacy - logos due Friday (in class work only)

Hot lunch orders due tomorrow
CC field trip form (M)
Jersey day is Friday
Bring empty clean toilet paper rolls for Monday

Mrs. Thompson :)
Have a great snowy night

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

math: pg. 354#2a,3a,4a
          pg. 357# 2,3a
          pg. 360# 2a

the arts: Logos (F) in classroom only

Hot lunch orders (TH)

Christmas can drive

Have a good night and happy holidays:)

Monday 11 December 2017

Monday, December 11, 2017

Literacy: rough draft outline due (tue)
the arts: Logos(F) in class only
Hot lunch orders (thr)

have a good night by hunter remember to bring gym clothes and gym shoes tomorrow:)

Friday 8 December 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017

Friday, December 8, 2017

No homework or reminders for today 
Just have a good weekend remember to Read Read Read!


Thursday 7 December 2017

Thursday, December 7, 2017

French - livre #6 due Friday
Social Studies - map due Friday (must be done in class, not at home)
Math - Unit 3 test Friday

Pasta lunch for those who ordered
Twin day

Mrs. T. :)

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

French - livre #6 due Friday
Social Studies - map due Friday (must be done in class, not at home)
Math - Unit 3 test Friday

VIP and WDX Once Upon a Christmas performance
Volleyball teams will be going to the finals tomorrow... Good luck!!

Pasta lunch for those who ordered
Twin day

Mrs. T.

Monday 4 December 2017

Monday, December 5, 2017

French: #6 livre "La famille Tremblay" Vendredi

Math: Unit test #3 (Friday)

Literacy: The Tempting Totem Pole (Tuesday)

Reminders: Guitar test (Tuesday) Tie Tuesday!

By: Miranda Masse 

Have a great night!!

Friday 1 December 2017

Friday, December 1, 2017

Math- Unit number 3 test Wednesday

Music- Guitar test Tuesday

Reminders- Have fun! Have a good weekend viewers!

,by Lleyton.

Wednesday 29 November 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

French- Bienvenue a Ottawa due on Friday.

Math- pg.170-171 questions 1-3 due on Thursday.

Literacy- Concluding paragraph due on Thursday.

by, Lleyton.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Jobs this week
Blog - Lleyton
Boards and brushes - Emilie
Messenger - Matthew
Absent student forms - Kaitlynn
Homework board - Gabriela

We worked on our counter point paragraph in literacy today. It must be done for tomorrow. Students had lots of class time to work on it. Tomorrow we will work on our concluding paragraph :)

Students have a weeks extension if they were not done Bienvenue Ottawa #5, due Friday.

Mrs. T :)

Monday 27 November 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017

Welcome back Miss. Wade

Literacy - finish the two reason paragraphs for your persuasive writing report on Wonder

French - Grammaire test tomorrow (yes this is an extension)

Stem and Leaf Plot video from Friday, November 24, 2017

Counter point for Essay examples (videos)

This one looks at our counter point... what is it?

This one gives us some suggestions about how to write our counter point. 

Sunday 26 November 2017

December Events

1 - Mass at 9:45 am
1 - Pizza lunch for those who ordered. 
7 - WDX performance of Once Upon a Christmas
7 - Christmas activity with Villanova staff
8 - Pasta lunch for those who ordered
14 - Pita lunch for those who ordered
14 - Wow assembly at 1:45pm
15 - Miss. Wade's last day
20 - Visit to Cardinal Carter
21 - Pizza lunch for those who ordered
22 - Free pizza lunch for winning Read-a-thon in our division (2 slices per student)

Thursday 23 November 2017

Thursday,November 23 2017


Sell This Book

Literacy- Introduction Paragraph(F)

Math-Stem-and Leaf Plot (F)

Social Studies- Jot Notes For A Trading Nation (F)

French-Bienvenue a Ottawa Grammer test

Reminders- Flashlight Friday mini flashlight reading material bring kleenex

By:Sarah Brady

Wednesday 22 November 2017

Wednesday November22 2017

Tomorrow-Miranda,Damian,  Kaylee
literacy- Wonder outline (Th)
math- quiz signed (Th)
 french bienvenve a ottawa f and grammaire test m
other bring kleenex gym clothes
blogger by sarah

Tuesday 21 November 2017

Tuesday, November 22, 2017


Sell This Book this week:
today - Emilie and Max
tomorrow - Kaylee and Mercedez
23rd - Miranda, Kaitlynn, Damian
24th - Jack, Lleyton

Get your math quiz signed by Thursday
Science/Social studies
Main points from pages 48-49(W)
Social studies quiz signed by thursday
Bienvenue A Ottawa
bring kleenex please

By:Sarah Brady

Monday 20 November 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

Happy Birthday Chloe!!

Reason 1 and reason 2 with support due Tuesday

Bring Kleenex
Food orders due Tuesday
Bring Guitars Tuesday
Bring gym cloths Tuesday

By:Sarah Brady

Thursday 16 November 2017

Wednesday 15 November 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Math - hand in Unit #2 (Th)
French - #4 En Route Reading Folder (Th)

pizza day tomorrow for those who ordered
December food day order forms coming home tomorrow
Report card slips and envelopes due tomorrow
Red and blue (spirit day) tomorrow
Bring in a box of kleenex if you can

Mrs. Thompson :)

5 days until Wonder!!!

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

report card slip and envelope due Thursday
unit #2 math section due Wednesday
ask parents about health issues in Canada for Wednesday
french grammar worksheet
bring kleenex


Monday 13 November 2017

Monday, November 13, 2017

Progress reports are coming home today.
Please review and sign the "slip" and return back to school with the envelope by Thursday :)

writing - poems signed and brought back by Tuesday
math - unit #2 quiz on Tuesday
bring guitars for Tuesday

Jobs this week:
Blog - Kaylee
Absent Forms - Gabriela
Messenger - Andrew
Boards and Brushes - Owen
Homework Board - Mercedez

Sell This Book presentations this week:
Dillon, Owen (today)
Dalton, Caleb, Hunter (tomorrow)
Matthew, Chace (Wednesday)
Maddie, Kaitlynn (Thursday)

Sunday 12 November 2017

Book Fair Purchase

Our class book fair purchase time is tomorrow, Monday the 13th. If students wish to purchase any items, payment should be send in tomorrow. :)

Thursday 9 November 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Math - today we worked on questions that used our knowledge of rotations, translations and reflections. We will have a transformations quiz on Tuesday to end the geometry (transformations) part of Unit #2.

Social Studies - Today we worked more on our World Health chapter, looking at groups such as the World Health Organization and Doctor's Without Borders. There is a quiz on Human Rights and Vocabulary tomorrow. Mrs. Thompson will be collecting the students duotangs for the weekend.

Literacy - we have been reading Wonder. We have finished hearing about Auggie from Summer's perspective, and now we are onto Jack's section of the novel. Students have handed in their Figurative Language poems.

V.I.P. - Our Values Influences and Peers program started today with Officer Sean. It was a great introduction. He also spoke of the required 1 hour of volunteer work in the community, in order to graduate from the program. Community hour tracking sheets were given out to students today to have filled in as they complete their community service hours.

Tomorrow we have Mass in the morning and Book Fair previews in the afternoon. We also have Pita Pit for those who ordered pitas for lunch.

Please wear red and black tomorrow.

Have a lovely evening.
Mrs. Thompson

Wednesday 8 November 2017


MATH worksheet{T}
SOCIAL STUDIES  quiz {F} vocab and human rights                    front page {T}
REMINDERS pita pit {Nov 10} wonder form and money due {FRI} book orders due {NOV19}
Blogger by caleb.young 

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

literacy Fig language poem {w}
Math math test {W} worksheet {W} both sheets
Social studies  QUIZ {f} vocab and human rights
French french test signed {w}
Reminders wonder forms money due {W} book orders due {nov 10} pita pit {Nov 10} PROPS FOR REMREMBRANCE DAY POEM practice reading the poem
Blogger by:caleb

Monday 6 November 2017


literacy  fig language poem {W}
Math math test signed {W} rotating reflecting sheet {T}
social studies Quiz {F} vocab and human rights
French article 40 and 28 {due tom}
Reminders wonder forms money due {W} book orders due {nov,19} pita pit {nov,10}
blogger by Caleb.Y.

Friday 3 November 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

 literacy Figurative language poem [w]

Social Studies - Human Rights and Vocabulary quiz next Friday

Reminders Wonder forms [november 10]

Book orders Due [november 14]


Have a beautiful weekend

Thursday 2 November 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Math learning goals copied [f]

French Bonjour Marc #3 due [f]

Reminders Wonder forms $$$$ due nov 10th


New part of our math unit... geometry, see goals below.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Math - Unit #2 number sense [Thursday]

French - Bonjour Marc #3 [Friday]

Literacy - Parts of speech (odd numbers - 6 sentences) labelled by tomorrow

Reminder - Picture orders [nov 2]

Reminder - Wonder forms $$$ due [Nov 10]

Drake :)

Tuesday 31 October 2017

November Events

1st - Read a thon, students can bring a blanket and a pillow, lots of reading material and some snacks to fuel them throughout the day.
3rd - Pizza day for those who ordered
8th to 16th - Book fair
10th - Pita Pit day for those who ordered
10th - Our class has book fair preview
10th - Remembrance Day Mass
13th - Progress reports go home :)
13th - Our class has book fair purchase time
15th - Parent-Teacher interviews
15th - Linda Christy presentation
16th - Pizza day for those who ordered
16th - WOW Assembly @10am, theme: Life-giver
17th - PD Day
18th - Electronic Recycle for Cash
20th - Wonder at Silver City
24th - Burger day for those who ordered
27th - Ms. Wade is back

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

unit #2 number sense test[Thursday]                                                         

Order of operations question [w]

Bonjour Marc #3 due [Friday]


Parts of  speech odd numbers [Thursday]

Reminder Pictures due nov2


Monday 30 October 2017

Monday, October 30, 2017

Jobs this week:
Blog - Drake
Boards and brushes - Sarah
Absent student forms - Hunter
Messenger - Dalton
Assigned work board - Chloe

Today's topics:
Math - Order of Operations - work completed in class
Math test for Unit 2 Number Sense is on Thursday
Literacy - Figurative language poems and Sell This Book work and practise and more paragraph writing (check some out below)
Social Studies - The Rights of a Child - all questions due TOMORROW
Religion - daily devotion and journal page

Mrs. Thompson. 

Check our our fantastic paragraphs. So far this year we have written a few paragraphs, received feedback from our teacher, discussed and listed what a good paragraph has, worked on paragraphs with a partner on chart paper (using five colours to write with, one for each part of the paragraph). Here are some of our best:

Thursday 26 October 2017


-Unit #2 Number sense test Nov 2.
-3 Division questions Oct 30.

-Read-a-thon pledges Oct 31.
-Wear orange and black Oct 31.
-Pictures orders Nov 2.

-Cues for hunger and thirst Oct 30.

 Sicence/Social Studies.
-What is canadas role in supporing  human rights? done in class, no homework


Wednesday 25 October 2017

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

-Unit #2 Number Sense Test Oct 31.
-2 Division Questions Due Oct 26.

-Food Orders Oct 26.
-Read-A-Thon Pledges Oct 31.


Tuesday 24 October 2017

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

-Unit #2 number sense test Oct 31.
-Practice four by two multiplication.
-Costume Capers and Apple Orchard due tomorrow.

French .
-Quiz tomorrow.
-Verbe Faire and Expressions.

-Read-a-Thon pledges due Oct 31.
-Food Orders due Oct 26.

By: Kaitlynn

Monday 23 October 2017

A fourth method of multiplying multi-digit numbers

6T has been working on multiplying multi-digits for the past four math classes. We have tried to use traditional multiplication methods, a place value/pull it apart method, as well as an array method. Here is a fourth method that is just as effective as those already taught in class, in case any student is struggling using the ones we have already explored. The Grade 6 curriculum expectation is to be able to multiply four digit by two digit whole numbers. 

Monday, October 23, 2017

Jobs this week:
Blog - Kaitlynn
Messenger - Jack
Board and brushes - Emilie
Assigned work board - Maddie
Absent student forms - Max

Today's topics:

- worked on our Sell This Book presentation (scripts should be started)
- worked on our figurative language poems (good copies should be started)
- worked on making inferences (example done in class and recorded) while reading Wonder

- worked on multiplication tables by playing multiplication war with a deck of cards
- worked on place value, multiplication and division (multi-digit) and patterning through some fun Halloween based activities

Social Studies
- discussed why people might not feel safe living in a community where there is civil war, what a refugee is and what a refugee camp is, human rights and what our duties are as humans. 

Bring guitars and gym clothes for tomorrow
Food/lunch orders due Friday
Book orders due tomorrow
Read a thon pledges due Oct. 31

Mrs. Thompson

Friday 20 October 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Math: we worked more on multiplying today. Students are highly encouraged to practise their multiplication tables AND four digit by two digit multiplication at home this weekend. It has been suggested that they make up their own questions - complete it without a calculator, then check their answer with a calculator. If there are errors, identify where they are and move backwards.
Number Sense Unit #2 test likely Wednesday of this week.

Literacy: Today we worked on our figurative language poems and our Sell This Book project.

Family Life: We did a unit assessment task today to finish up Theme #1. Next week we will be starting our prayer table projects.

Phys. Ed.: We practised some soccer skills outside (in the beautiful weather) guided by our student teacher Ms. Wade.

Social Studies: We talked about what a global issue issue might be. Students contributed what they know about Canadian imports and exports, global interactions, as well as political, social, economic and environmental factors that affect global issues.

- play forms and $ now past due
- food/lunch orders Oct. 26
- book orders due Oct. 24

Have a beautiful weekend!!
Mrs. Thompson

Thursday 19 October 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017

- Unit #2 Test next week (Number Sense portion) Wednesday
- Number line, fill in the gaps (from Wednesday) must be done (due today)
- Multiplication practice sheets (from Wednesday) must be done (due today)

- Retreat reflection due tomorrow

- play forms and $ due tomorrow
- food orders due Oct. 26
- book orders due Oct. 24
- jersey day tomorrow
- read a thon pledges due Oct. 31

Mrs. Thompson

Today was a lovely day. Our retreat was filled with excitement and great conversation. Our topics included: Catholic social teaching, human rights and how to be a light for others. Please ask your child about it.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Math - Unit #2 Number Sense test (W October 25)
Math - number line (one of them) due Thursday
Math - multiplying questions on the grid due Thursday

- play money and forms Oct. 20
- book orders due Oct. 24
- read a thon pledges due Oct. 31
- retreat tomorrow at the church, pizza lunch and snacks provided
- jersey day Friday
- food orders due Oct. 26

Mrs. T

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Goals signed by Wednesday
Science test signed by Wednesday

Play money and form due Oct. 20
Book order due Oct. 24
Read-a-thon pledges due Oct 31
Retreat at the church (Thr) lunch and snacks provided
Food orders due Oct. 26

Matthew, Ms. Wade and Mrs. Thompson

Monday 16 October 2017

Monday, October 16, 2017

Jobs this week:
Chace - Absent student forms
Matthew - Blog
Lleyton - Messenger
Boards and Brushes - Dillon
Homework Board - Dakohta

Goals must be reviewed (changed if required) and signed by Wednesday

Science test signed by Wednesday

Dance play form and $ by Friday

Read a thon pledges in by Oct. 31

Retreat on Thursday, lunch and snacks provided

Have a great night!!
Mrs. Thompson

Journal - October 16, 2017

Friday 13 October 2017

Friday, October 13, 2017

Remember to follow our class on Twitter to get pictures of daily learning, reminders and announcements. Search up @greatgrade6t 

Play money forms due (oct 20)
Mass (monday)
Read a thon is November 1st
All Read a thon money due (Oct 31)
Retreat at the church (thr)

by owen and have a good night and good weekend

Thursday 12 October 2017

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Pizza Day tomorrow
Picture Day tomorrow
Play Money and Form (Oct 20)
Mass (Oct 16)
November 1st Read-a-thon
Money Due (Oct 31)

By Owen have a good night

Wednesday 11 October 2017

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

math pg 51 # 1 a,b,c 2 a,c,d (Th)

pizza (Friday)
play money and form (Oct 20)
mass (Oct 16)
november 1st read- a -thon
$ money due (Oct 31)
bring gym clothes

by Owen have a nice night

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

two Question with Complete sentences (WED)

ALL Faire worksheets (WED)

Family Life
LifeGivers assignment (two people) - due tomorrow

pizza day (FRI)
mass (october 16)
November 1 read-a-thon $ due

by Owen

Friday 6 October 2017

Friday, October 6, 2017

Today was a great day. Congratulations to Chloe, Jack and Lletyton on their student of the month award for September: a great start to Grade Six. Check out their picture on our twitter account @greatgrade6t

Math: We took up our work from yesterday.

Literacy: We read a little of Wonder. We participated in flashlight Friday.

Science: We discussed our answers for Canada in Space, read about Space Technology and debated the amount of funds spent by our government on space exploration (worth it, or not?).

Family Life: We read about what a life-giver is, discussed how we are and can be life-givers, as well as we are examining who are the life-givers in our own lives.

Have a great weekend! Happy Thanksgiving!!

Mrs. T.

Thursday 5 October 2017

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Today we did.....

SCIENCE: mind map,vocabulary, Canadian space all due tomorrow. Test moved to Tuesday. We worked on an OERB activity on movement in space and the reason for our four seasons.
MATH:R and W worksheet (back due tomorrow).Math test signed tomorrow.
FRENCH:French test signed tomorrow.

red and blue (F)
eye glass and canned good donations (F)
Mass moved to October 16th at 9:45am
Flashlight Friday

Emma :)

Wednesday 4 October 2017

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Today in math we reviewed place value; standard form, written form and expanded form of numbers. Students have some practise work to do on this for tomorrow.
Test Friday, vocabulary and mind map due Friday. 

Literacy - we read Wonder today and listened for figurative language

Science - we took up our work from yesterday and read through a text on "Other Spacecraft," three questions on the back of this text must be answered for tomorrow.

Drama - we did some introductory activities that challenged us to rely on communication without our voices to complete a task. We also worked on an introduction to Tableau (telling a story with a frozen picture).

1. gym clothes needed for tomorrow
2. canned goods and eyeglass donations are being accepted
3. book orders due Friday

Have a great night!
D. Thompson

Tuesday 3 October 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Math: we have started our new unit - whole numbers. Ask your child about Place Value Yahtzee, you can play at home too.

Literacy: we are working on drafting our figurative language poems on a topic of the students choice.

Phys. Ed.: we played soccer today.

Science: Space test on Friday (everything in duotang is good to study), vocabulary due Friday, mind map must be done for Friday. Their organizer for Human Needs in Space is due TOMORROW.

Music: we had music today, we will not have music next week. The Gr. 6's in the 6/7 class have the shared guitars this week.

The arts: we start Drama tomorrow.

eyeglass and canned good donations being accepted now
red and blue spirit day Friday for the WOW assembly

Until tomorrow, D. Thompson

PS please feel free to request to follow our NEW Twitter account @greatgrade6t
If you can jot a note in your child's agenda with your twitter username, I will add you upon request (the account will be kept private).

Sunday 1 October 2017

Monday, October 1, 2017

Welcome October!!!! Isn't fall such a beautiful season?

Jobs this week:
homework board: Max
absent student forms: Dalton
boards/brushes (cleaning): Drake
messenger: Jack
blog: Emma

Events this week include,
4th - Cross Country meet (only for those on the team)
5th - Thanksgiving Mass
6th - 1:30 WOW Assembly, who will be awarded for their Super Start to Grade Six?
6th - Eye glass donations begin

Today (oct.2) we worked on

Literacy-Figurative language sheet (due tmrw).
French-Bonjour Marc #1 questions (due tmrw).
Math-Number sense yahtzee!,And unit 2 learning goals.

Reminders - guitars and gym clothes for tomorrow
book orders tomorrow



Friday 29 September 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

Science\Social Studies- Vocab and mind map (0ct.6) test #1 (0ct.6) planet and sun due (M)

The Arts- Name Line Art (Oct.2)

Reminders- Can drive (0ct.6), Book Orders (Oct.6th) Eye glass  donations (0ct.6-30)

By: Miranda Masse Have a good weekend!!

Thursday 28 September 2017

October Events

October 2 - 6 Our class will lead prayers on the announcements.
4th - Cross Country meet (only for those on the team)
5th - Thanksgiving Mass
6th - 1:30 WOW Assembly
6th - Eye glass donations begin
13th - Pizza day for those who ordered
13th - Picture day
19th - Retreat at the church
20th - Last day of eye glass donations
27th - PD Day

Thursday, September 28, 2017

science-vocab. and mind map (oct.6)
test#1 oct6
Moons sheet (diagram and one question) and Comets sheet (two questions - second one involves a short research time) both due tomorrow.

french le verb aller test fri

family life puzzles due fri

the arts  name line art due oct6

pizza day tom
red and white tom
book orders oct.6
eye glass donations oct.6-30

by owen

Wednesday 27 September 2017

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

** For math review sheet solutions, see post below.

Math - complete the review questions #4-8 (or 1-8 if you had not already) for tomorrow. Students also had the option to complete an additional review to prep them for their Unit #1 test tomorrow. The answers for the optional (but highly recommended) math are in the post below this.

Art - we had our last two class periods to work on our portfolio art, it is due Monday and must be completed at school.

Family Life - students have their personal jigsaw puzzle due Friday, they will have their last class period to work on it tomorrow.

pizza day Friday, if you ordered
wear blue and red for spirit day Friday
book orders due next week Thursday
eyeglass donations accepted (Oct. 6 - Oct. 20)

Have a great night!!!

Math Review Solution sheets

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Math- Unit #1 Test (28th) Review Q 1-4 (W)

The Arts- Name Line Art (Oct.2)

French- le verbe Aller test (F)

 Religion\ Family life- Puzzles due (Friday)

Reminders- Toonie for Terry, Pizza day Friday, Red and white (Wed), Red and Blue (Fri), Book orders (Oct.6th) Eye glass donations (Oct.6-30)

By: Miranda Masse Have a nice night!!

Monday 25 September 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

Science - fill in the blank (OERB - instructions shared with you) and foldable (see video on blog Sept. 17th) completed for tomorrow.

Math- Unit #1 Test (28th) Patterns with graphs due (Tuesday)

French- le verbe Aller worksheets (Tu)

The Arts- Name Line Art (Oct,2)

 Reminders- Tonnie for Terry, Pizza day Friday, Red and white (Wed) Red and Blue (Fri)

By: Miranda Masse Have a good night!!

In addition, we have music almost every Tuesday. If your child is bringing their own guitar in, it has to be here tomorrow.   Thanks, Mrs. T.

Phases of the Moon Video Explanation

You will receive an outline in class. While watching this video complete the outline showing the phases of the moon, as well, label each with it's name/type.

Thursday 21 September 2017

Math Practise

This site has excellent activities to practise:
- representing geometric patterns in a numeric way
- using graphs to represent, extend patterns and predict future terms in a pattern

When the page loads, click start. *** Activity 4 is the page you want... wait patiently until it loads.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Health: We did a worksheet where we had to write 2 goals and a plans for those goals,  to achieve that goal between now and January.

Literacy: We read the Wonder book and found figurative language in the book.

Math: We had Mrs. Montello come teach us about patterning.

Phys.Ed: We ran across the gym doing different things going there and back.

Family Life: We started a puzzle of our life by drawing pictures.

                                        Chloe Belanger

Great week! Have a wonderful weekend!!

Wednesday 20 September 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Literacy: We did an activity on figurative language.

Science: We watched a video on solar and lunar eclipses.

Art: We finished up our name art (due oct 2).

Math: We finished part of our note that we started yesterday, then we presented group work and after that we worked on a work sheet which is for homework if you didn't finish it.

Homework: Math Unit 1 test on Thursday.
                    Name art (Due Oct 2)
                    Literacy 5 sentences (Due Thursday sept 21)
                    Science Vocabulary (Due at the end of the unit)
                    Math sheet (due Thursday 21)
                    Flashlight Thursday (not a big honking flashlight) finger light or head light or mini light
                    Toonie for Terry
                    Journal (due Thursday)

                                                Chloe Belanger

Tuesday 19 September 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Literacy: We are finishing up putting nouns into sentences.

Science: We did an activity on the Chrome books about Solar and Lunar eclipses and after the activity we reviewed it on a piece of paper. Copied the fill in the blanks on a piece of paper.

Math: We did another activity on the Chrome books "Patterning With Professor Patrick" and after that we did "Demystifying Patterns."

Phys. Ed: We played a game where the other team gets in a circle after they throw a ball and the person who throws the ball runs around there team when the other gets in a line and with the ball go's over and under until they get to the end of the line and we mark how many times the other team ran around the circle and whoever gets the most points altogether wins the game. It's called Homerun Ball

Family Life: We read about four students that we will be reading about throughout our Family Life this year: Elizabeth, Don, Maureen and Rob. We also discussed how a people are sometimes like a puzzle.

                                                                 Chloe Belanger

Monday 18 September 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017

Jobs this week:
Blog - Chloe
Absent Forms - Gabriela
Messenger - Dakohta
Board and Brushes - Andrew
Homework Board - Lleyton

See pictures of our math work below!

Literacy: We did an assessment on our Terry Fox text and started to use our nouns in sentences. 

Science: We wrote a Vocabulary of words with the definitions of the words, on our space unit.

Math: We did a short note in our toolkits, an activity on the smartboard and a math question on graph paper on terms.

We also did family life, read pg. 4-6 and answer two questions based on our reading. 

                                         Chloe Belanger

Sunday 17 September 2017

Science - Monday, September 18, 2017

There are four sections to this video. We will be taking notes and sketching drawings in a foldable throughout each section. The four sections are: solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, why the moon is seen during the day and the phases of the moon. 

Friday 15 September 2017

Friday, September 15, 2017

Math - we worked on the whiteboards and smartboard today practising writing pattern rules and, given the pattern rule, writing our patterns. Then we practised our work with a few questions on a sheet - DUE MONDAY. We also participated in flashlight Friday (see pictures below). 

Literacy - Today we independently responded on sticky notes to the question: What makes Terry Fox a Canadian hero? Next, we put our thoughts together with two to three other students and created a "best" answer together, using all of our responses. 

Art - we continued to work on our portfolio covers. Students are needing many reminders to check over their criteria before and during work on their art. 

Have a great weekend!! 
Mrs. Thompson

Our first flashlight Friday. Students could bring a mini-flashlight, a headlamp or a finger light to do their extended independent reading today. It was great. We are aiming to have all of the classroom lights off next week for a different reading experience. 

Thursday 14 September 2017

Thursday, September 15, 2017

Literacy - we continued with our types of nouns. Students need to find five of each type of noun for TOMORROW.

Science - we completed our mind map for this unit. We will start vocabulary tomorrow.

Health - we worked on the good copy of our learning skills goal for first term, we will work on our academic goal tomorrow. They will come home for your viewing soon.

Math - We discussed different types of nouns and wrote a note with examples, as well as the two different ways we are asked for pattern rules... practise work to come tomorrow.
We also logged into our Math Prodigy accounts and will be using that for further patterning practise.

- Flashlight Friday tomorrow (mini handheld, head lamp or finger flashlights only)
- Bring $10 for guitar by Tuesday, if you are using one from the school
- Book orders due Tuesday
- Pizza orders due Tuesday

Have a great night!!
Mrs. Thompson

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

math Learning goals due Thursday

Bring 10$ for music

Book forms due Tuesday 19

Student Registration forms October 6


Today we had Mass and we sat with our JK/SK buddies. Our Grade 6 students showed a lot of patience, compassion and leadership with our buddies, I am super proud of how kind and thoughtful they were with our little buddies.

In Literacy, we finished a note on different types of nouns, then we began to look for at least five examples of each type of noun.

In Math, we wrote our our learning goals for Unit #1 (DUE TOMORROW, see below post) and looked at an in class independent question each student competed yesterday.

We also worked on our art project (portfolio cover). Students were reminded numerous times to check over their criteria (in their duotang) before and during the process of completing their art.

Mrs. T.

Learning Goals for Math - Unit #1

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

7 question math - w
student registration forms - oct6
bring 10$ for music - tu19


Great day!! We are getting into routine and making great progress!
Literacy - we started working on different types of nouns after reading Terry Fox Canadian Hero
Math - we looked at the format of our math units this year as well as what a typical test will look like
Mrs. T.

Monday 11 September 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Jobs this week:

Boards and brushes - Mercedez
Absent student forms - Emilie
Messenger - Kaitlynn
Blog - Chace
Homework board - Sarah

Literacy - we worked on some predictions for the title of a text (Terry Fox Canadian Hero). We also worked on definitions for ten words that will be in the text. Definitions due tomorrow.

Science - we brainstormed what we already know about space and started a Mind Map which covers what we will be learning about Space (mind map will be completed tomorrow).

Math - we explored the different types of patterns that we are already familiar with, and the students came up with some amazing examples. Next, we worked on our first learning goal for this unit by representing geometric patterns numerically. Seven multiple choice questions answered for tomorrow.

Family Life - we had a good discussion about everlasting love and that sometimes it is hard to love others, but we can spread God's goodness in many ways throughout the world.

If your child has a guitar that they are bringing in for music, it must be in tomorrow.

Student Registration Verification forms were sent home today. Please complete and send back by October 6th.

Mrs. T.

Friday 8 September 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

Happy Friday, wishing you a wonderful and rest-filled long weekend!

Math - today most students completed the Ready, Set, Go! challenge. If it has not been completed, it is due Monday. We also completed our addition error analysis and four groups presented the strategies they came up with in order for the student to prevent making this error again.

Literacy - Students handed in their quizzes today and Mrs. T. will take each quiz over the weekend! Students will mark them on Monday.
      - All students need to have an independent reading book at school by Monday (many already have theirs at school). 

Guidance - We have been becoming experts on one of the learning skills that is assessed each term and reported on. Students will be using their expertise to create a meme next week. Look forward to those being posted after completion.
      - Today we looked at the SMART goal acronym and discussed half of it... we will complete this next week. All students must have their assessment sheet completed for Monday - it required them to, upon completion of their learning skills survey, to identify one area they want to improve in and do some evaluation of that specific learning area in writing (there are four required responses to this evaluation - due Monday).

Visual Art - Today we finished our colour wheel sheets and began our first big art project - the line and colour name art (also know as their portfolio covers). There is a blog post below about this project and each student received a rubric, checklist and step by step instructions. 

:) Mrs. Thompson

Beginning next week a student will be responsible for blog posts. It will be a new student each week. I will add any necessary information to our daily blog posts. 

September Events

Update your agenda by writing ALL of these events either on the monthly calendar OR the date. 

13th - Mass at 9:45am

15th - Flashlight Friday (Independent Reading - bring a headlamp, mini handheld flashlight or a finger flashlight to read your book).

21st - Meet the Team social 8:20-8:50
22nd - P.A. Day
27th - Terry Fox walk 9:20

Thursday 7 September 2017

Line and colour art assignment

Students begin their line and colour art assignment, which will function as their portfolio cover, on Friday, September 8, 2017. Their assignment criteria, student checklist and rubric were handed out and explained.

Step #1: fold your paper horizontally once, and vertically twice to form eight equal rectangular sections.

Step #2: Using contour lines (outlines) draw your name across the middle of the paper, making your letters large enough to easily be seen. 

Step #3: Inside of your letters, using ONLY PRIMARY AND SECONDARY COLOURS, use a variety of lines to fill in your letters. 

Step #4: Outside of your letters, in each of the eight sections, use ONLY TERTIARY colours to fill in each section with a different type or combination of lines. 

This does not follow the same colour criteria that you are expected to follow, but it is a model to show different line ideas, as well as how awesome it will look when you are done!!

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Being sent home today is a letter informing parents of the topics involved in Theme #1 of Family Life, which we will be starting next week. 

Students finished two editing stages for their quiz and worked on their good copies. The good copies, written out in their Literacy Resource book are due tomorrow. 

Today we read the book, "The Most Magnificent Thing" and discussed further how someone might feel through the creative process while having a growth mindset (excited, challenged, frustrated, energetic, mad, proud). We also realized that it takes determination and perseverance to succeed in a task which results in something magnificent. 

Each student took a learning skills self-assessment survey today. While examining their results, they chose one specific area that they want to improve. For Monday they have to:
1. Identify the area in which they need to improve.
2. Describe why you feel you need to improve in this area.
3. Describe what you hope will be the result of improving in this area. 
4. Explain how you plan to improve in this area. 

For math, students worked on a math challenge called "Ready Set GO!" During this challenge they have to complete a series of math calculations (ideally without a calculator), in sequence to arrive at a final total. They worked on this for 16 minutes today, and will finish this tomorrow. Two students completed the task today with the correct answers. 

In visual art, we continued to work on colour theory through the colour wheel. Students reviewed concepts from previous years (warm and cool colours, primary and secondary colours) and learned about tertiary colours (new in Gr. 6). 

Students also logged into our Math Prodigy classroom. We will be using this to practise math skills in a fun and exciting way. 

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today we discussed the difference between a GROWTH MINDSET and a FIXED MINDSET. The following two links will lead you to the videos we watched in class which demonstrate these different ways of thinking. Please watch them and continue the conversation with your child at home.

Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders

Ormie the Pig

As a class we produced a list of "what we need to be successful this year." This list was derived from individual lists the students made on the first day of school, which was revised today, then further refined through collaboration with other students and examining the similar items on students' lists. 

We continued to work on our multiple choice quizzes today. A self-edit will take place in consultation with Mrs. T. once the draft is complete. Good copies are to be done after this consultation and revisions take place. DUE TOMORROW: ROUGH DRAFT

In visual art, students reviewed the elements of art and then worked specifically with colour and line today. They are using line and colour to create their portfolio covers that will house their art work this year. 

In math today we worked on an activity with a partner where students were given an addition calculation and the pair of students had to figure out what error was made in the calculation and explain the error, rework the question and share a strategy the student could use the prevent this error in the future. 

** See the post below for duotang/binder organization for this year. 

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

The first day of Grade Six was great!

We worked on routines and recognizing what we each need to be successful this year.
Students took a quiz about Mrs. Thompson (congratulations to Mercedez who scored the highest score!!).
Today we also looked at our learning skills areas and are working collaboratively in groups of 4 or 5 to become experts in one learning skill.

Today the following items were sent home:
1. A newsletter from Mrs. Thompson.
2. A "Introducing My Child" form for parents to complete and return.
3. A lunch/walking field trip form for parents to complete and return. 
4. A newsletter from the office (orange in colour).

Also, students were asked to have appropriate gym clothing and shoes by Monday (stick deodorant is a good idea as well).
Finally, each student needs to have an independent reading book (something they have NOT read before) at their level ready for Monday. If they do not have one at home, they are welcome to choose one from Mrs. Thompson's class library prior to Monday.

Looking forward to Day #2!!
Mrs. Thompson

Organizing for the year

French - one green duotang and a 1" binder with five dividers
Music - one orange duotang

Literacy, Math, The Arts, Health, Science/Social Studies, Religion/Family Life
need either six dividers OR a binder with six dividers.
Colours as follows (if possible):
Literacy - red
Math - black
The Arts - purple
Health - blue
Science / Social Studies - yellow
Religion / Family Life - any other colour

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...