Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today we discussed the difference between a GROWTH MINDSET and a FIXED MINDSET. The following two links will lead you to the videos we watched in class which demonstrate these different ways of thinking. Please watch them and continue the conversation with your child at home.

Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders

Ormie the Pig

As a class we produced a list of "what we need to be successful this year." This list was derived from individual lists the students made on the first day of school, which was revised today, then further refined through collaboration with other students and examining the similar items on students' lists. 

We continued to work on our multiple choice quizzes today. A self-edit will take place in consultation with Mrs. T. once the draft is complete. Good copies are to be done after this consultation and revisions take place. DUE TOMORROW: ROUGH DRAFT

In visual art, students reviewed the elements of art and then worked specifically with colour and line today. They are using line and colour to create their portfolio covers that will house their art work this year. 

In math today we worked on an activity with a partner where students were given an addition calculation and the pair of students had to figure out what error was made in the calculation and explain the error, rework the question and share a strategy the student could use the prevent this error in the future. 

** See the post below for duotang/binder organization for this year. 

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Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...