Monday 11 September 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017

Jobs this week:

Boards and brushes - Mercedez
Absent student forms - Emilie
Messenger - Kaitlynn
Blog - Chace
Homework board - Sarah

Literacy - we worked on some predictions for the title of a text (Terry Fox Canadian Hero). We also worked on definitions for ten words that will be in the text. Definitions due tomorrow.

Science - we brainstormed what we already know about space and started a Mind Map which covers what we will be learning about Space (mind map will be completed tomorrow).

Math - we explored the different types of patterns that we are already familiar with, and the students came up with some amazing examples. Next, we worked on our first learning goal for this unit by representing geometric patterns numerically. Seven multiple choice questions answered for tomorrow.

Family Life - we had a good discussion about everlasting love and that sometimes it is hard to love others, but we can spread God's goodness in many ways throughout the world.

If your child has a guitar that they are bringing in for music, it must be in tomorrow.

Student Registration Verification forms were sent home today. Please complete and send back by October 6th.

Mrs. T.

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February Events

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