Tuesday 3 October 2017

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Math: we have started our new unit - whole numbers. Ask your child about Place Value Yahtzee, you can play at home too.

Literacy: we are working on drafting our figurative language poems on a topic of the students choice.

Phys. Ed.: we played soccer today.

Science: Space test on Friday (everything in duotang is good to study), vocabulary due Friday, mind map must be done for Friday. Their organizer for Human Needs in Space is due TOMORROW.

Music: we had music today, we will not have music next week. The Gr. 6's in the 6/7 class have the shared guitars this week.

The arts: we start Drama tomorrow.

eyeglass and canned good donations being accepted now
red and blue spirit day Friday for the WOW assembly

Until tomorrow, D. Thompson

PS please feel free to request to follow our NEW Twitter account @greatgrade6t
If you can jot a note in your child's agenda with your twitter username, I will add you upon request (the account will be kept private).

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February Events

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