Friday 20 October 2017

Friday, October 20, 2017

Math: we worked more on multiplying today. Students are highly encouraged to practise their multiplication tables AND four digit by two digit multiplication at home this weekend. It has been suggested that they make up their own questions - complete it without a calculator, then check their answer with a calculator. If there are errors, identify where they are and move backwards.
Number Sense Unit #2 test likely Wednesday of this week.

Literacy: Today we worked on our figurative language poems and our Sell This Book project.

Family Life: We did a unit assessment task today to finish up Theme #1. Next week we will be starting our prayer table projects.

Phys. Ed.: We practised some soccer skills outside (in the beautiful weather) guided by our student teacher Ms. Wade.

Social Studies: We talked about what a global issue issue might be. Students contributed what they know about Canadian imports and exports, global interactions, as well as political, social, economic and environmental factors that affect global issues.

- play forms and $ now past due
- food/lunch orders Oct. 26
- book orders due Oct. 24

Have a beautiful weekend!!
Mrs. Thompson

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Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...