Friday 8 September 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

Happy Friday, wishing you a wonderful and rest-filled long weekend!

Math - today most students completed the Ready, Set, Go! challenge. If it has not been completed, it is due Monday. We also completed our addition error analysis and four groups presented the strategies they came up with in order for the student to prevent making this error again.

Literacy - Students handed in their quizzes today and Mrs. T. will take each quiz over the weekend! Students will mark them on Monday.
      - All students need to have an independent reading book at school by Monday (many already have theirs at school). 

Guidance - We have been becoming experts on one of the learning skills that is assessed each term and reported on. Students will be using their expertise to create a meme next week. Look forward to those being posted after completion.
      - Today we looked at the SMART goal acronym and discussed half of it... we will complete this next week. All students must have their assessment sheet completed for Monday - it required them to, upon completion of their learning skills survey, to identify one area they want to improve in and do some evaluation of that specific learning area in writing (there are four required responses to this evaluation - due Monday).

Visual Art - Today we finished our colour wheel sheets and began our first big art project - the line and colour name art (also know as their portfolio covers). There is a blog post below about this project and each student received a rubric, checklist and step by step instructions. 

:) Mrs. Thompson

Beginning next week a student will be responsible for blog posts. It will be a new student each week. I will add any necessary information to our daily blog posts. 

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Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...