Tuesday 6 June 2017

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mrs. Thompson was not at school today, but here is the work that the students had for today:

Gr. 6 - Read Nelson Literacy Book C pg. 50-55. As you read together, make a note listing and describing the technological tools and devices needed for space exploration and short descriptions of each.
Gr. 7 - Finish writing the key ideas note for 8.8, then answer pg. 220 #2, 3, 5 with complete sentences. 

All - read The Outsiders, each student made a note brainstorming what they think is "TUFF"

Visual Art
All - students went through examples and criteria for a collage (see next blog post), students began to work on their Tuff Collages

Gr. 6 - top, front and side views of the playground equipment, then an isometric sketch of the equipment from a different view. 
Gr. 7 - practised using compass and ruler to create 30 degree and 60 degree angles, as well as 90 degree angles, angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors and parallel lines. Note for congruent triangles (side-side-side, side-angle-side, angle-side-angle), then practised this theory with two triangles (given) and had to prove congruency or not.

Have a great night, don't forget to get your permission forms signed for the Tech Summit (all) and VIP fun day (Gr. 6 only)

Mrs. Thompson

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Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...