Sunday 4 June 2017



(noun) - Collage derives its name from the French verb coller, to glue. The work of art is made by gluing things to the surface. Collage became an art form during the Synthetic Cubist period of Picasso and Braque. At first, Pablo Picasso glued oil cloth to his surface of Still Life with Chair Caning in May of 1912. He glued a rope around the edge of the oval canvas. Georges Braque then glued imitation wood-grained wallpaper to his Fruit Dish and Glass(September 1912).
Braque's work is called papier collĂ© (glued or pasted paper), a specific type of collage.


What do you notice about the examples? What do you already know about creating a collage?
- All background space is covered
- All images/words/phrases revolve around the same topic
- Images, illustrations, words, and phrases are all allowed
- The placement of items is planned out, and not random, in order to communicate the artists desired message to his/her audience. 

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