Wednesday 28 June 2017


VIP Certificates

Honour Roll Recipients, Grade 7  - Term #2   Congratulations!!

Monday 26 June 2017

Monday, June 26, 2017

Read: read 20 min/night
Art: "Tuff" collages(W)
Reminders: Gr.6- loonie for ice cream/bowl and spoon
Gr.7 note for Ice Cool Treats(Tu)
Report cards go home Monday/slips due ASAP
Board games(Th)

By: Emma :)

Greasers and the Socs:

Thursday 22 June 2017

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Reading- Read 20 mins/night

Family Life- Television Analysis (Friday)

Science- Paper Planes (Friday)
               Gr 6- Slideshow (F)

Art- "Tuff" Collage

Reminders- Report Cards Go Home Monday
                    Gilbert Up For Adoption! 🐟

By: Kailyana 😜

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Read 20 minutes per night

Science - final good paper airplane design for Friday
        Gr. 6 - slide show (F)

Family Life - Television analysis (F)

Art - Collage items

Reminders - Pizza lunch and park trip tomorrow

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Reading- Read 20 mins/night

Religion- Television analysis (Friday)
              - Questions 1,2 (Wednesday)

Math- Unit #9 test signed (Wednesday)

Art- "Tuff" collage

Reminders- Collage items
                 - Pizza lunch (Thursday)
                 - Book cart + books returned (Wednesday)
                 - Gilbert up for adoption! 🐟

By:Kailyana 😜  🐶

Monday 19 June 2017

Monday, June 19, 2017

Reading - Read 20 minutes a night

Family Life - Questions 1, 2 due Wednesday
                     - TV show analysis due Friday

French - Gr. 7 - introduction - vocab + 1-2-3

Math - Unit #9 Test signed by Wednesday
          - design your paper airplane

Art - tuff collage 

Pizza lunch on Thursday

Mrs. T :)

Jobs this week:
Absent students: Zoee
Boards: Robbie
Blog: Kailyana
Messenger: Landon
Homework board: Savanna

Friday 16 June 2017

Friday, June 16, 2017

Reading: 20 minutes each night

Science Gr. 7 - structures slideshow (M)
Science Gr. 6 - Taking Flight Questions #1, 2

Tuff collage materials

Get French projects signed

Mrs. T :)

Thursday 15 June 2017

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Reminders for tomorrow:

Gr. 6 - hat, sunscreen, lots of water, snacks (lunch is provided), bathing suits (shirt to cover if not full piece), towel, epi-pen or inhaler if you have one at school

Gr. 7 - hat, sunscreen, lots of water, snacks and lunch, epi-pen or inhaler if you have one at school

Today's assigned work:
Gr 6 - Taking Flight, read, highlight and answer questions #1, 2 (M)
Gr 7 - Structures group slideshow (M)

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 14 June 2017

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Reading - 20 minutes a night

Science Gr. 6 - Science Quizzes signed by Thursday, All About Air #1, 2 due Thursday
Science Gr. 7 - Science Quizzes signed by Thursday

Art - items from and work on Tuff Collage

French - get 2x projects signed

Reminders -
Gr. 7 Fort Malden forms and $ ASAP

Mrs. T

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Read 20 Min/Night

-Science Test Sighed (Thurs)


-"Tuff" Collage Art

-French Projects x2 Sighed


-Bring Paint (Acrylic)

-Collage Items Art

-Bring Rocks

                                                     BY:Brody Brit

Thursday 8 June 2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Reading: Read 20 min

Science: Gr6: 4 space task
               Gr7: First page organizer

Math: Math test TUESDAY!

Bring collage items
Bring small flat rocks about the size of your palm if you can find any
Fort Malden permission form and $ by Friday at the latest


Wednesday 7 June 2017

Survey link for Thursday computers

Click here for the Holy Name School name modification survey.

Next, scroll down a few posts and work on building isometric drawings of 3D structures based on their front, side and top views, the links are in that blog post. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Tuesday 6 June 2017

Gr. 6 Math Isometric Drawings - Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Extra practise for identifying front, top and side views:

For class today:
Isometric Drawing Tool

Example and Challenge
The above link shows an example of how to look at your 3D cube structure to get the top, side and front views. Next, it supplies sets of top, front and side views and you use the Isometric Drawing Tool to build your structure, checking that the views match.

Do They Match?
This link shows you sets of isometric drawings of cube structures, you:
  1. Predict which pairs could be drawings of the same object.
  2. Draw the figures using the Isometric Drawing Tool.
  3. Use the Inspect mode to determine whether or not their predictions were correct.
  4. For the pairs that could represent the same object, list the Rotation Control values they used to verify their answers.
  5. For the pairs that could not represent the same object, explain why.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Mrs. Thompson was not at school today, but here is the work that the students had for today:

Gr. 6 - Read Nelson Literacy Book C pg. 50-55. As you read together, make a note listing and describing the technological tools and devices needed for space exploration and short descriptions of each.
Gr. 7 - Finish writing the key ideas note for 8.8, then answer pg. 220 #2, 3, 5 with complete sentences. 

All - read The Outsiders, each student made a note brainstorming what they think is "TUFF"

Visual Art
All - students went through examples and criteria for a collage (see next blog post), students began to work on their Tuff Collages

Gr. 6 - top, front and side views of the playground equipment, then an isometric sketch of the equipment from a different view. 
Gr. 7 - practised using compass and ruler to create 30 degree and 60 degree angles, as well as 90 degree angles, angle bisectors, perpendicular bisectors and parallel lines. Note for congruent triangles (side-side-side, side-angle-side, angle-side-angle), then practised this theory with two triangles (given) and had to prove congruency or not.

Have a great night, don't forget to get your permission forms signed for the Tech Summit (all) and VIP fun day (Gr. 6 only)

Mrs. Thompson

Sunday 4 June 2017



(noun) - Collage derives its name from the French verb coller, to glue. The work of art is made by gluing things to the surface. Collage became an art form during the Synthetic Cubist period of Picasso and Braque. At first, Pablo Picasso glued oil cloth to his surface of Still Life with Chair Caning in May of 1912. He glued a rope around the edge of the oval canvas. Georges Braque then glued imitation wood-grained wallpaper to his Fruit Dish and Glass(September 1912).
Braque's work is called papier collé (glued or pasted paper), a specific type of collage.


What do you notice about the examples? What do you already know about creating a collage?
- All background space is covered
- All images/words/phrases revolve around the same topic
- Images, illustrations, words, and phrases are all allowed
- The placement of items is planned out, and not random, in order to communicate the artists desired message to his/her audience. 

Thursday 1 June 2017

Thursday, June 1, 2017

-Read 20 minutes/night

Gr.7- math 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 (M)

Gr.6-Moon Journal Science

Gr.6-Tides(Th) Science

Gr.6-Science Quiz (M)

Gr.7-Virtues Assignment (F) Religion

Theme 3 Note Signed

Pita Pit Day (F)

Gr.6-Lines of symmetry (F) Math

French Rubric Signed

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...