Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Student Prayer Tables are coming to 6/7T!

Prayer tables are coming your way...

In a small group you will be responsible for planning, designing, setting up and presenting a prayer table that will be featured in our room for one month.

Your group will sign up for a month. 

For your month you will need:
1. A theme, chosen by the group. It can be based on a religious event, a holiday, a season or anything else of your choosing.

2. A bible quote or bible story to accompany your prayer table. It should connect to the theme.

3. A prayer, one that you find or one that you write, that follows your theme. 

4. The prayer table decorated with items that you choose and set up. These items can be from in class, from home or from nature. Please get your parents permission before bringing in items from home. 

5. A short presentation of your theme, biblical quote or story, prayer and prayer table for the class. For this you can be creative, dress in costume, present in role or do an activity with the class. 

Here are some samples to inspire you :)

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February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...