Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Gr. 7 math: integers in the real world

1. Create a new title page in your toolkit: Unit #2 Integers and Transformations.

2. Begin a new note (new page) with the title: Integers in the Real World. Include the date and underline both the title and date with a ruler. 

3. You will watch the following video and list examples of where we see or use integers in the real world. 

4. Add any other examples of integers in the real world, that you can think of. 

5. Finally, define the following terms in your toolkit. Include an example with each definition. Use a ruler for your number line example. You can use your textbook or Mrs. Thompson's math dictionary to look up the definitions. Terms: positive integer, negative integer, opposite integer, number line

6. You will need to make a number line on chart paper (it has to go to the same value negative and positive, with zero in the middle), to plot the +/- score for the hockey players on a team. The materials are on the back table, you will work with a partner. 

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