Monday 29 October 2018

November Events

1st- Pizza Day / V.I.P

7th- Book fair starts

8th- Pita Day, picture retakes

9th- Mass 9:45

12th- Progress Reports

13th- Retreat at church

14th- Parent teacher interviews (book fair open at night)

15th- Hot Dog day/ V.I.P

16th- P.A Day

19th- Last day for book fair/ presentation in gym 1:20-2:20

21st- WOW 1:30

22nd- Pizza Day/ V.I.P

29th- Burger Day

Saturday 20 October 2018

Rotational Symmetry

Watch this video (with sound) to learn about what rotational symmetry is:

When complete, watch this video to see how you can start to create your own shape which has rotational symmetry.

Now... can you build your own shape?

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...