Wednesday 30 May 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Math - working on algebra

French - projet due lundi (Monday)

VIP Field Trip tomorrow

Mrs. T.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Math - Equations (Advanced) sheet #4, 5, 7 due tomorrow

Social Studies - hand in duotang and textbook

French - Book 10 needs to be completed for those who have not

Reminder - OPP field trip form (W)

Mrs. T.

Monday 28 May 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018

Math - Equations back of page #1, 2 (Tu)

Social Studies - Hand in duotang and textbook (ASAP) be ready to do your exit card talk with Mrs. T.

Reminders: OPP field trip form in by Wednesday

French - #10 French book (Dalton and Chace only)

Absent forms - Chace
Boards - Owen
Messenger - Dillon
Homework board - Emma
Blog - Kaitlynn

Friday 25 May 2018

Friday, May 25, 2018

Math - Equations front of the page (M)
French - #10 French book by Monday
              Drake, Chace, Dalton.

Have an Amazing Night

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Reminders - Bring Kleenex & Bring Garden gloves or regular gloves(Th)

have a Amazing night
          ~Emilie M.<3

Friday 18 May 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

Fri-day May 18, 2018

Homework for the weekend!!!

Music Test (tu) (if not done already.)

Community V.I.P service sheet (next Tuesday).

Mall due (w) - French

Learning Goals(tu) - Math

By Lleyton Quenneville.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Ladies and gentlemen get ready for the May 16 HOMEWORK!

Dictee # 3 is tommorow folks. (study!!!). - French

Math test May the 18 (be prepared). - Math

V.I.P Community hours due 22 of May.

Centre Commercial (Mall) 22 of May  - French

Both math tests signed on Fri-day. - Math

Hot lunch June orders  on Wednesday.

Music test Tuesday - for any students who have not completed their test!

That is it YO!!!

Sincerly, Lleyton Q .

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Figurative Language Selfie

You will be creating a selfie (drawing) of yourself (from head to toe).

You will be labelling different aspects of yourself using different types of figurative language.

You will need to include and identify:
1. one metaphor or simile
2. one personification
3. one alliteration
4. one hyperbole
5. one idiom or onomatopoeia

Your drawing must make the figurative language statements seem true. Example, "my eyes are as green as a $20 bill. (Simile)."   I would have to make my eyes look in some way like $20 bills.  

Here are some samples you can use to inspire you (you cannot use any of these figurative language descriptions in your assignment).


Monday 14 May 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

Math - complete venn diagram for set of shapes (Tu), Test on Friday

Music - test tomorrow

French - dictee (Th)

- refillable water bottles
- bring your VIP volunteer hour forms by next Tuesday
- June 7th is dress like your favourite character

Jobs this week:
blog - Lleyton
boards and brushes - Damian
absent student forms - Matthew
messenger - Max
homework board - Andrew

Mrs. T.

Friday 11 May 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

First, and most importantly...

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mom's!!

Now, for the events of the day:

Math - Test coming up on angles, polygons, quadrilaterals, symmetry and 3D models WEDNESDAY

Social Studies - Finish your notes to answer this question: How Have Changes to Immigration Policies Affected Communities (there are four communities/sections in the textbook - write only the details that answer that question. Due MONDAY

Religion - Modern day 10 Commandments poster due MONDAY

French - Dictee on THURSDAY Study!!!

Music - Test on TUESDAY

- Bring a refillable water bottle for water at your desk. 
- Bring a box of kleenex if you can

Mrs. Thompson :)

Thursday 10 May 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Music: Music test (May 15th)
Religion: 10 Commandment poster (end of class Friday)
French: Dictee #3 jeudi le 17 mai, Reading folder #10 (due Friday)
Reminders: Check with Aug 12-16, Bring kleenex, Bring reusable water bottles during may.

Have a great night!:) -Miranda Masse

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Music: Music test (May 15th)
Religion: 10 commandment poster (Friday)
French: Dictee #3 jeudi le 17 mai

Reminders: Check with Aug 12-16, Bring reusable water bottles during May

Have a great night:) -Miranda Masse

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Math: Lines of Symmetry pages (Wed)
Music: Music test (May 15th)
French: Dictee #3 jeudi le 17 mai

Reminders: Check with Aug 12-16, Bring Kleenex, Track Form (May 18th), Bring reusable water bottles during may.

Have a great night :) -Miranda Masse 

Monday 7 May 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

Math - Math worksheet (Th)
Music - Music test (May 15th) bring guitar (Tu)
Phys Ed - Bring gym clothes (Th)

Reminders - book orders due tomorrow
- Check with Aug 12-16
- Bring Kleenex
- Track form (May 8th)
-Bring reusable water bottles during May

Have a great night- Miranda Masse

Friday 4 May 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018

 Reminders                             Homework

  • picture or payment (mon)                                       what coflicts occured in groups (mon)     
  • water bottles                                                           gym cloths(tu)
  • cop camp aug 12-16(can you go??)                         guitar(tu) test may 15
  • book orders(tu) 
  • track form(tu)


Thursday 3 May 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Music - test May 15th, practise!

Reminders - picture orders or pictures or both due May 7th
 - reusable water bottles for water at your desk
 - check with your availability for Aug 12 - 16
 - book orders due Tuesday
 - bring kleenex if you can
 - track form (due May 8th)

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

 Reminders                          Homework
                                                                           social studies corrections(th)

  1. reusable water bottles                             math  unit 9 learning goals (th)
  2. pictures and payment(may7th)
  3. VIP check to go aug 12-16                    music test (may 15)
  4. book orders (tu)
  5. bring kleenex
  6. track and feild forms (May 8th)


Tuesday 1 May 2018

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


  1.  Pictures or payment
  2. bring in reusable water bottles
  3. check with parents if you can go to cop camp (dates= Aug 12-16)
  4. extra materials for art(tomorrow)
  5. bring in kleenex
  1.   Math test Tomorrow (don't forget to study!!!)
  2. EQAO  Questions tomorrow
  3. Music Test(may 15)

BY: Dakohta

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...