Monday 30 April 2018

May Events

May Events

3rd - WOW Assembly at 1:30
ANDREW only - 8th Bus Patrol Movie trip
10th - School Track and Field Day
11th - Muffins for Moms
11th - Education week Mass 9:45am
14th - 18th - Our class presents prayers on announcements this week
18th - Class privilege day
23rd - 30th - EQAO (which you will rock), please try not to be late or away in the morning each of these days. 
31st - V.I.P. Field Trip (Harrow O.P.P. Detachment)

Monday, April 30, 2018

  •       Reminders                                               Homework
  • Pictures or payment(may 7th)                                                         Math Test (w)
  •  Bring in reusable water bottle                                                    bring gym cloths (tu)
  •   check with your parents to go to cop camp(dates= aug 12-16)    bring guitar(tu) 
  •    Bring in extra materials for art( if needed)
  •   bring in kleenex if possible 


be who you want to be not someone else 

Friday 27 April 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

Math: math test (w)

Reminders: picuresor payment (may7)

bring reusable water bottles

check with aug 12-16

extrea materials for art


Thursday 26 April 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

math: test next week page 410-411 1-4

French:test corrections and singed

literacy:good copy letter due tomorrow

Reminders:crazy hair day
mini flashlight friday
crazy hair day
muffins for moms due April 27th
reuse-able water bottles for water on desks

Drake :)

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Wed., April 25, 2018

Math - we worked on theoretical probability today

Social Studies - Jamaican and Mexican Mennonites coming to Canada - back of sheet due tomorrow

French - due tomorrow (#9)

Reminders - food day tomorrow if you ordered, yearbook orders due Friday, bring in old newspapers for art (W)

Have a great night, Mrs. T.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

April 24th

Literacy rough draft of  letter due tomorrow

ss:Jamaican and Mexican Mennonite immigrants chart - front page due Wednesday

French: Bienvenue A Noelville #9 (Th)

Reminders - yearbook orders (F)
Hamburger day (Th)
Bring reusable water bottles.

Monday 23 April 2018

Monday, April 22, 2018

MATH:Learning goals (tu)

REMINDERS: yearbook orders (f)
hamburger day th)
bring reusable water bottles!!

Jobs this week
Absent student forms - Mercedez
Blog - Drake
Messenger - Hunter
Boards and Brushes - Dalton
Homework Board - Emma

Friday 20 April 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

Math - Unit test Monday

Reminders - Yearbook orders (27th)
                  - Reusable water bottle for May and beyond

Mrs. T. :)

Thursday 19 April 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Math - Test (m)
S.S/Science - Polish and Jewish immigrants (f)

Reminders - Bring Newspaper, Flyers, or Magiznes
                     YearBook Orders (April 27th)
                      May food orders due tomorrow

Have a good night
      ~Emilie M.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Math - unit rates pg. 330-331 #1 ab, 2, 5, 11 due TOMORROW
         - test on Monday

Social Studies - Map - Communities in Canada 1800-today due TOMORROW

Reminders - May food orders due April 19th
                  - Yearbook orders due April 27th

Mrs. T :)
Have a great night!!

Math Wednesday, April 18, 2018

1. Inquiry

2. In class activity

                  Online stopwatch:

3. Video on unit rates

4. Unit rates practise

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Math - Math Quiz(m)-Ratio and Rate Worksheet (w)
Religion - Quiz Signed (w)
French - Dictee #1 - Corrections + Signed
              Dictee #2 - Wed. Le 18 avril.

Reminders - Bring Newspaper, Flyers, or Magazines
                     Food Orders (April 19th)
                     Yearbook Order (April 27th)

Have a good night
      ~Emilie M.

Monday 16 April 2018

Online activities you can use to study for math Unit 7

This link is for practise with factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers.

This link is for practise identifying prime and composite numbers

This link will bring you to an activity to allow you to work with improper and mixed number fractions.

OERB Parts of a whole and percent to decimal to fraction activity. Search OERB. Login WECDSBstudent. Password oerbs. Next, click search then simple search. Add the following code to the search bar and hit enter. Finally, select preview under the activity title.

Remember, there are activities linked in this blog (check a few weeks ago) that you can do again to practise for your test. See the post from March 25, 2018.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jobs this week

Homework board - Gabriela
Boards and brushes - Lleyton
Blog - Emilie
Absent forms - Dakohta
Messenger - Caleb

Today's work
Math - Test on Friday
Reading - King of the Forest Questions 7-12 due tomorrow
Family Life - Males and Females on Television due tomorrow
Religion - Parts of the Mass quiz signed for Wednesday
French - Dictee #1 - signed and corrected then dictee #2 - Wednesday
Reminders - Book Orders(Tomorrow) - Bring Newspaper,Flyers, or Magazines. - May food orders (April 19th) - Year Book Orders (April 27th).

Emilie :)

Friday 13 April 2018

Friday, April 16, 2018

Math page 46-47#1a b c,2,5,8(Monday)

Family life males +females on television April 17

French    Dictee #1 corrections +signed
            Dictee #2-Wed le 18 April

Book orders due on the 17th

Damain :)

Thursday 12 April 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Math - depending on where students are at with their learning, they will have one of the following due for tomorrow: pg. 46 #1 abc, 2 or a 100 grid classifying prime and composite numbers or a sheet on fractions.

Religion:Males +females on television April 7th

French:Dictee #1 correction +signed
Dictee # 2 wed le 18 avril

Picture day Monday
Book orders (7th)
Wear patterns tomorrow (F)


Wednesday 11 April 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Social Studies - Chart for Who Came to Canada and Why? 1900-today pg. 132-135 (Th)

Family Life - Males and Females on Television (17th)

Reminders - wear jerseys or green tomorrow,
                  - book orders (17th)

Mrs. Thompson

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Math - fractions sheet (W)

Social Studies - Chart for Who Came to Canada? 1900-today pg. 132-135 due Thursday

Family Life - Males and Females on Television due April 17th

Reminders - book orders (17th), wear jersey or green (Th)

Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 9 April 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

Literacy:Marilyn Bell #5(TUESDAY)

MATH:Both Fractions sheets (TUESDAY)

Social Studies: Cause and Consequence (TUESDAY)

Reminders: Guitar test for students who have not done their test (Tu), book orders due 17th

Damian Verbeek,

Friday 6 April 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

Math - working on fractions

Social Studies - Corrections for Choosing Canada as Home (M)

Family Life - note and textbook for Fully Alive (M)

Reminders - guitar test Tuesday if you have not completed it, book orders (17th)

Have a great weekend!!!


Morning Musing - Friday, April 6, 2018

Thursday 5 April 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Math - we worked on placing fractions on a number line today. Many students struggled with this concept. If you have a set of cards or a pair of dice you can practise comparing and ordering fractions at home with your child.

Religion - quiz tomorrow on the parts of the Mass (Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist).

Family Life - note signed and textbook returned by Monday

Music - guitar tests for some students on Tuesday

Reminders - our Mass tomorrow and book orders due on the 17th if you wish to order.

Mrs. T. (hope you feel better soon Maddie)

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Math - quiz signed (Th)

Religion - quiz on the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (F)

French - Dictee (Th) STUDY!!

Reminders: Phys. Ed. clothes for tomorrow.

Mrs. T :)

Journal Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Monday, April 4th, 2018

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

Homework Board- Miranda Masse
Boards and Brushes-Matthew Zuech
Absent Forms-Andrew Bernardi
Daily Blog-Madelyn Nelson

Science/Social Studies-Black Loyalists Worksheet (Wednesday)
Math-Test Signed (Thursday)
Religion/Family Life-Quiz (Friday)
French-Dictee (Thursday, April 5th)
The Arts-
Health/Phys. Ed-
Reminders-Guitar Test (Tuesday) *only for people that haven't done them*, Wear Blue For Autism Awareness Tomorrow!!
                                                          -Madelyn Nelson:)

April Events

4th - wear blue for Autism Awareness Day
6th - Easter Mass (organized by 6T and 2/3P)
16th and 17th - Spring Picture Days
May 3rd - WOW Assembly

Food Days
5th - Pita Pit
12th - Hot Dogs and Chips
19th - Pizza
26th - Burgers

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...