Friday 30 November 2018

December Events

4 - Christmas Jingle 2:55
6 - The Flamekeeper Play
7 - Advent Mass at 9:45 -- (pizza day for those who ordered)
13 - V.I.P. (a.m.) and library trip (p.m.) -- (mac n cheese day for those who ordered)
14 - crazy hair day
17 - wear red and white (candy cane) day
18 - Cardinal Carter Christmas concert and Christmas tie day
19 - wear your scarf and toque day
20 - Christmas sock exchange due, wear your Christmas sock day
21 - Christmas movie and treat (p.m.), wear red and green day -- (burger day for those who ordered)

Monday 29 October 2018

November Events

1st- Pizza Day / V.I.P

7th- Book fair starts

8th- Pita Day, picture retakes

9th- Mass 9:45

12th- Progress Reports

13th- Retreat at church

14th- Parent teacher interviews (book fair open at night)

15th- Hot Dog day/ V.I.P

16th- P.A Day

19th- Last day for book fair/ presentation in gym 1:20-2:20

21st- WOW 1:30

22nd- Pizza Day/ V.I.P

29th- Burger Day

Saturday 20 October 2018

Rotational Symmetry

Watch this video (with sound) to learn about what rotational symmetry is:

When complete, watch this video to see how you can start to create your own shape which has rotational symmetry.

Now... can you build your own shape?

Wednesday 27 June 2018

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Our paper airplane challenge is tomorrow bring your paper airplanes!

Don't forget to read.

Report card slip for those that don't have it!

Also bring your board games for tomorrow!

Last but not least be ready for 
Thursday :)

by. Andrew

Tuesday 26 June 2018

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

please return report card slips signed ASAP

read :)

snacks and more if you please!

paper airplane contest on Thursday! 

by. Andrew

Monday 25 June 2018

Monday, June 25, 2018

the reminders of the day is:

read, and return your report card slip ASAP, don't forget to bring a blanket and a book!

tomorrow were working on are planes so do your studying

for the race! work on the plane at home.

thats all enjoy the rest of your day.

by. Andrew

Friday 22 June 2018

Thursday 21 June 2018

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Writing - working on finishing up the good copy of our writing that includes dialogue

Science - properties of air demonstrations continue tomorrow, all should be completed by the end of the day tomorrow

Reminders - colouring/drawing items for tomorrow
 - hot dog day tomorrow for those who ordered

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

puzzle [Th.]

literacy draft [th]
french dictee signed
science equipment - for air presentation

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

reminders read
french dictee signed
science materials  for properties
of air
by dillon

Monday 18 June 2018

Monday, June 18, 2018

reminder    read
french get dictee signed
science  - bring materials for properties of air demonstration

Have a great night! - Dillon

Thursday 14 June 2018

Thursday, June 14, 2018

french- dictee signed and corrected
reminders- bring field trip items (F)
as promised your favourite daily blogger Caleb
- running shoes
- hat
- sunscreen
- bathing suit (appropriate)
- towel
- extra t shirt
- snacks
- water
- smile and a good attitude!!

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

stuff for homework/to take up over the week
french dictee signed and corrected
math   order of operations *back side* due (W)
~2$ fathers day (June 13th)
~Field trip form (June 14th)

by Caleb your daily blogger 

Monday 11 June 2018

Viral Math Puzzles - Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How about today's puzzles... parents can you solve them too?

Monday, June 11, 2018

order of operations ONLY FRONT SIDE (due tom)
french test and corrections due 

Okay here are all the reminders for today are 
-2$ fathers day (June 13th)
field trip form (June 14th)

your daily blogger Caleb young

Sunday 10 June 2018

Thursday 7 June 2018

Thursday, June 7, 2018

-All Science Due Monday.
-La Carte Lundi.
Rant presentations start Monday, practise!!!
-Bring $2.00 For Fathers Day.13.
-Rant Project Due Monday.
-Field Trip Form 14.

BY :Kaitlynn. Murdoch :)

Morning Musing - Thursday, June 7, 2018

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Math Inquiry - Thursday, June 6, 2018

Next, solve this problem... 

16 - 4 x 3 + 10 divided by 5

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

-#10 French Book
-Rant Organizer
-All Science Due Monday
-$2.00 For Fathers Day (13)
-Felid Trip Form (14)
-Dress Like Your Favourite Character Thursday
From Kaitlynn

Tuesday 5 June 2018

Tuesday,June 5 2018.

-Test Wednesday.
-Review Question Due Wednesday.
-#10 French Book Project Due Wednesday.
Work on Rants... when script is done: Practise, practise, practise!!
-Dress Like Your Favourite Character Day On Thursday.

By Kaitlynn:)

Monday 4 June 2018

The Aerodynamics of Flight

Properties of Air that Make Flight Possible: sample experiments

Monday, June 5, 2018

The Arts- Bring Guitar Tuesday
Math- Test Wednesday, Math Sheets Both Due Tuesday
science/social studies-Hand In Duotang And Text Boook
French-#10 French Book Project Wednesday
Reminders-Dress Like Your Favourite character Day  Thursday
gym clothes for tomorrow

Sunday 3 June 2018

Events in June

Welcome to June 2018! There are a lot of fun events planned this month, and some awesome and interesting topics on the schedule.
Here are some important dates to keep in mind.

5th - track and field meet for those on the team
7th - dress up as your favourite movie or t.v. character (no masks please)
7th - hot lunch day for those who ordered
8th - Professional Development Day (no school)
13th - Talent show in the afternoon
14th - Making Father's Day art in the morning
14th - Hot lunch day (Pita Pit)
15th - Donuts for Dads
15th - V.I.P. Fun Day for all students who have completed their mandatory 1 hour of community service and have submitted their form.
22nd - Hot lunch day 
25th - Report cards are brought home today
27th - Mass
28th - Hot lunch day
28th - WOW Assembly
29th - PD Day

If you have any questions about any of these events/dates please contact Mrs. Thompson :)

Wednesday 30 May 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Math - working on algebra

French - projet due lundi (Monday)

VIP Field Trip tomorrow

Mrs. T.

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Math - Equations (Advanced) sheet #4, 5, 7 due tomorrow

Social Studies - hand in duotang and textbook

French - Book 10 needs to be completed for those who have not

Reminder - OPP field trip form (W)

Mrs. T.

Monday 28 May 2018

Monday, May 28, 2018

Math - Equations back of page #1, 2 (Tu)

Social Studies - Hand in duotang and textbook (ASAP) be ready to do your exit card talk with Mrs. T.

Reminders: OPP field trip form in by Wednesday

French - #10 French book (Dalton and Chace only)

Absent forms - Chace
Boards - Owen
Messenger - Dillon
Homework board - Emma
Blog - Kaitlynn

Friday 25 May 2018

Friday, May 25, 2018

Math - Equations front of the page (M)
French - #10 French book by Monday
              Drake, Chace, Dalton.

Have an Amazing Night

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Reminders - Bring Kleenex & Bring Garden gloves or regular gloves(Th)

have a Amazing night
          ~Emilie M.<3

Friday 18 May 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

Fri-day May 18, 2018

Homework for the weekend!!!

Music Test (tu) (if not done already.)

Community V.I.P service sheet (next Tuesday).

Mall due (w) - French

Learning Goals(tu) - Math

By Lleyton Quenneville.

Wednesday 16 May 2018

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Ladies and gentlemen get ready for the May 16 HOMEWORK!

Dictee # 3 is tommorow folks. (study!!!). - French

Math test May the 18 (be prepared). - Math

V.I.P Community hours due 22 of May.

Centre Commercial (Mall) 22 of May  - French

Both math tests signed on Fri-day. - Math

Hot lunch June orders  on Wednesday.

Music test Tuesday - for any students who have not completed their test!

That is it YO!!!

Sincerly, Lleyton Q .

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Figurative Language Selfie

You will be creating a selfie (drawing) of yourself (from head to toe).

You will be labelling different aspects of yourself using different types of figurative language.

You will need to include and identify:
1. one metaphor or simile
2. one personification
3. one alliteration
4. one hyperbole
5. one idiom or onomatopoeia

Your drawing must make the figurative language statements seem true. Example, "my eyes are as green as a $20 bill. (Simile)."   I would have to make my eyes look in some way like $20 bills.  

Here are some samples you can use to inspire you (you cannot use any of these figurative language descriptions in your assignment).


Monday 14 May 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

Math - complete venn diagram for set of shapes (Tu), Test on Friday

Music - test tomorrow

French - dictee (Th)

- refillable water bottles
- bring your VIP volunteer hour forms by next Tuesday
- June 7th is dress like your favourite character

Jobs this week:
blog - Lleyton
boards and brushes - Damian
absent student forms - Matthew
messenger - Max
homework board - Andrew

Mrs. T.

Friday 11 May 2018

Friday, May 11, 2018

First, and most importantly...

Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mom's!!

Now, for the events of the day:

Math - Test coming up on angles, polygons, quadrilaterals, symmetry and 3D models WEDNESDAY

Social Studies - Finish your notes to answer this question: How Have Changes to Immigration Policies Affected Communities (there are four communities/sections in the textbook - write only the details that answer that question. Due MONDAY

Religion - Modern day 10 Commandments poster due MONDAY

French - Dictee on THURSDAY Study!!!

Music - Test on TUESDAY

- Bring a refillable water bottle for water at your desk. 
- Bring a box of kleenex if you can

Mrs. Thompson :)

Thursday 10 May 2018

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Music: Music test (May 15th)
Religion: 10 Commandment poster (end of class Friday)
French: Dictee #3 jeudi le 17 mai, Reading folder #10 (due Friday)
Reminders: Check with Aug 12-16, Bring kleenex, Bring reusable water bottles during may.

Have a great night!:) -Miranda Masse

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Music: Music test (May 15th)
Religion: 10 commandment poster (Friday)
French: Dictee #3 jeudi le 17 mai

Reminders: Check with Aug 12-16, Bring reusable water bottles during May

Have a great night:) -Miranda Masse

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Math: Lines of Symmetry pages (Wed)
Music: Music test (May 15th)
French: Dictee #3 jeudi le 17 mai

Reminders: Check with Aug 12-16, Bring Kleenex, Track Form (May 18th), Bring reusable water bottles during may.

Have a great night :) -Miranda Masse 

Monday 7 May 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

Math - Math worksheet (Th)
Music - Music test (May 15th) bring guitar (Tu)
Phys Ed - Bring gym clothes (Th)

Reminders - book orders due tomorrow
- Check with Aug 12-16
- Bring Kleenex
- Track form (May 8th)
-Bring reusable water bottles during May

Have a great night- Miranda Masse

Friday 4 May 2018

Friday, May 4, 2018

 Reminders                             Homework

  • picture or payment (mon)                                       what coflicts occured in groups (mon)     
  • water bottles                                                           gym cloths(tu)
  • cop camp aug 12-16(can you go??)                         guitar(tu) test may 15
  • book orders(tu) 
  • track form(tu)


Thursday 3 May 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Music - test May 15th, practise!

Reminders - picture orders or pictures or both due May 7th
 - reusable water bottles for water at your desk
 - check with your availability for Aug 12 - 16
 - book orders due Tuesday
 - bring kleenex if you can
 - track form (due May 8th)

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

 Reminders                          Homework
                                                                           social studies corrections(th)

  1. reusable water bottles                             math  unit 9 learning goals (th)
  2. pictures and payment(may7th)
  3. VIP check to go aug 12-16                    music test (may 15)
  4. book orders (tu)
  5. bring kleenex
  6. track and feild forms (May 8th)


Tuesday 1 May 2018

Tuesday, May 1, 2018


  1.  Pictures or payment
  2. bring in reusable water bottles
  3. check with parents if you can go to cop camp (dates= Aug 12-16)
  4. extra materials for art(tomorrow)
  5. bring in kleenex
  1.   Math test Tomorrow (don't forget to study!!!)
  2. EQAO  Questions tomorrow
  3. Music Test(may 15)

BY: Dakohta

Monday 30 April 2018

May Events

May Events

3rd - WOW Assembly at 1:30
ANDREW only - 8th Bus Patrol Movie trip
10th - School Track and Field Day
11th - Muffins for Moms
11th - Education week Mass 9:45am
14th - 18th - Our class presents prayers on announcements this week
18th - Class privilege day
23rd - 30th - EQAO (which you will rock), please try not to be late or away in the morning each of these days. 
31st - V.I.P. Field Trip (Harrow O.P.P. Detachment)

Monday, April 30, 2018

  •       Reminders                                               Homework
  • Pictures or payment(may 7th)                                                         Math Test (w)
  •  Bring in reusable water bottle                                                    bring gym cloths (tu)
  •   check with your parents to go to cop camp(dates= aug 12-16)    bring guitar(tu) 
  •    Bring in extra materials for art( if needed)
  •   bring in kleenex if possible 


be who you want to be not someone else 

Friday 27 April 2018

Friday, April 27, 2018

Math: math test (w)

Reminders: picuresor payment (may7)

bring reusable water bottles

check with aug 12-16

extrea materials for art


Thursday 26 April 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

math: test next week page 410-411 1-4

French:test corrections and singed

literacy:good copy letter due tomorrow

Reminders:crazy hair day
mini flashlight friday
crazy hair day
muffins for moms due April 27th
reuse-able water bottles for water on desks

Drake :)

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Wed., April 25, 2018

Math - we worked on theoretical probability today

Social Studies - Jamaican and Mexican Mennonites coming to Canada - back of sheet due tomorrow

French - due tomorrow (#9)

Reminders - food day tomorrow if you ordered, yearbook orders due Friday, bring in old newspapers for art (W)

Have a great night, Mrs. T.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

April 24th

Literacy rough draft of  letter due tomorrow

ss:Jamaican and Mexican Mennonite immigrants chart - front page due Wednesday

French: Bienvenue A Noelville #9 (Th)

Reminders - yearbook orders (F)
Hamburger day (Th)
Bring reusable water bottles.

Monday 23 April 2018

Monday, April 22, 2018

MATH:Learning goals (tu)

REMINDERS: yearbook orders (f)
hamburger day th)
bring reusable water bottles!!

Jobs this week
Absent student forms - Mercedez
Blog - Drake
Messenger - Hunter
Boards and Brushes - Dalton
Homework Board - Emma

Friday 20 April 2018

Friday, April 20, 2018

Math - Unit test Monday

Reminders - Yearbook orders (27th)
                  - Reusable water bottle for May and beyond

Mrs. T. :)

Thursday 19 April 2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Math - Test (m)
S.S/Science - Polish and Jewish immigrants (f)

Reminders - Bring Newspaper, Flyers, or Magiznes
                     YearBook Orders (April 27th)
                      May food orders due tomorrow

Have a good night
      ~Emilie M.

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Math - unit rates pg. 330-331 #1 ab, 2, 5, 11 due TOMORROW
         - test on Monday

Social Studies - Map - Communities in Canada 1800-today due TOMORROW

Reminders - May food orders due April 19th
                  - Yearbook orders due April 27th

Mrs. T :)
Have a great night!!

Math Wednesday, April 18, 2018

1. Inquiry

2. In class activity

                  Online stopwatch:

3. Video on unit rates

4. Unit rates practise

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Math - Math Quiz(m)-Ratio and Rate Worksheet (w)
Religion - Quiz Signed (w)
French - Dictee #1 - Corrections + Signed
              Dictee #2 - Wed. Le 18 avril.

Reminders - Bring Newspaper, Flyers, or Magazines
                     Food Orders (April 19th)
                     Yearbook Order (April 27th)

Have a good night
      ~Emilie M.

Monday 16 April 2018

Online activities you can use to study for math Unit 7

This link is for practise with factors, multiples, prime and composite numbers.

This link is for practise identifying prime and composite numbers

This link will bring you to an activity to allow you to work with improper and mixed number fractions.

OERB Parts of a whole and percent to decimal to fraction activity. Search OERB. Login WECDSBstudent. Password oerbs. Next, click search then simple search. Add the following code to the search bar and hit enter. Finally, select preview under the activity title.

Remember, there are activities linked in this blog (check a few weeks ago) that you can do again to practise for your test. See the post from March 25, 2018.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jobs this week

Homework board - Gabriela
Boards and brushes - Lleyton
Blog - Emilie
Absent forms - Dakohta
Messenger - Caleb

Today's work
Math - Test on Friday
Reading - King of the Forest Questions 7-12 due tomorrow
Family Life - Males and Females on Television due tomorrow
Religion - Parts of the Mass quiz signed for Wednesday
French - Dictee #1 - signed and corrected then dictee #2 - Wednesday
Reminders - Book Orders(Tomorrow) - Bring Newspaper,Flyers, or Magazines. - May food orders (April 19th) - Year Book Orders (April 27th).

Emilie :)

Friday 13 April 2018

Friday, April 16, 2018

Math page 46-47#1a b c,2,5,8(Monday)

Family life males +females on television April 17

French    Dictee #1 corrections +signed
            Dictee #2-Wed le 18 April

Book orders due on the 17th

Damain :)

Thursday 12 April 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Math - depending on where students are at with their learning, they will have one of the following due for tomorrow: pg. 46 #1 abc, 2 or a 100 grid classifying prime and composite numbers or a sheet on fractions.

Religion:Males +females on television April 7th

French:Dictee #1 correction +signed
Dictee # 2 wed le 18 avril

Picture day Monday
Book orders (7th)
Wear patterns tomorrow (F)


Wednesday 11 April 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Social Studies - Chart for Who Came to Canada and Why? 1900-today pg. 132-135 (Th)

Family Life - Males and Females on Television (17th)

Reminders - wear jerseys or green tomorrow,
                  - book orders (17th)

Mrs. Thompson

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Math - fractions sheet (W)

Social Studies - Chart for Who Came to Canada? 1900-today pg. 132-135 due Thursday

Family Life - Males and Females on Television due April 17th

Reminders - book orders (17th), wear jersey or green (Th)

Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 9 April 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018

Literacy:Marilyn Bell #5(TUESDAY)

MATH:Both Fractions sheets (TUESDAY)

Social Studies: Cause and Consequence (TUESDAY)

Reminders: Guitar test for students who have not done their test (Tu), book orders due 17th

Damian Verbeek,

Friday 6 April 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

Math - working on fractions

Social Studies - Corrections for Choosing Canada as Home (M)

Family Life - note and textbook for Fully Alive (M)

Reminders - guitar test Tuesday if you have not completed it, book orders (17th)

Have a great weekend!!!


Morning Musing - Friday, April 6, 2018

Thursday 5 April 2018

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Math - we worked on placing fractions on a number line today. Many students struggled with this concept. If you have a set of cards or a pair of dice you can practise comparing and ordering fractions at home with your child.

Religion - quiz tomorrow on the parts of the Mass (Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist).

Family Life - note signed and textbook returned by Monday

Music - guitar tests for some students on Tuesday

Reminders - our Mass tomorrow and book orders due on the 17th if you wish to order.

Mrs. T. (hope you feel better soon Maddie)

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Math - quiz signed (Th)

Religion - quiz on the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist (F)

French - Dictee (Th) STUDY!!

Reminders: Phys. Ed. clothes for tomorrow.

Mrs. T :)

Journal Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Monday, April 4th, 2018

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2018

Homework Board- Miranda Masse
Boards and Brushes-Matthew Zuech
Absent Forms-Andrew Bernardi
Daily Blog-Madelyn Nelson

Science/Social Studies-Black Loyalists Worksheet (Wednesday)
Math-Test Signed (Thursday)
Religion/Family Life-Quiz (Friday)
French-Dictee (Thursday, April 5th)
The Arts-
Health/Phys. Ed-
Reminders-Guitar Test (Tuesday) *only for people that haven't done them*, Wear Blue For Autism Awareness Tomorrow!!
                                                          -Madelyn Nelson:)

April Events

4th - wear blue for Autism Awareness Day
6th - Easter Mass (organized by 6T and 2/3P)
16th and 17th - Spring Picture Days
May 3rd - WOW Assembly

Food Days
5th - Pita Pit
12th - Hot Dogs and Chips
19th - Pizza
26th - Burgers

Saturday 31 March 2018


Remember your guitar and gym clothes for Tuesday


wear blue on Wednesday for Autism Awareness day, LIGHT IT UP BLUE!!

Thursday 29 March 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

f-Dictee (April5)
math-fraction only one side work sheet (Tuesday)
SS-Choosing Canada as home due (Tu)
Reminders-Gutar test (Tu)
wear blue for autism awareness day (Tu)

by Owen

Thursday inquiry question (math)

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Social Studies-118-121 web items due (tom)
French-Visite a hall (Thursday)
Dictee (april5)
reminders-guitar test (T)

by Owen

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

math-Quiz signed (W)

Religion-Sacrments quiz signed (W)

French-Visite a Hull (Thurs)
dictee (April 5)

by Owen
Have a good night

Monday 26 March 2018

Prayer Table Video

monday march 26,2018

Math-Quiz signed (W)
learning goals unit 7 (TU)

Religion-sacraments quiz signed (W)

French-bienvenue a Noelville (THU)

by Owen

Have a good night drive safe if going out

Sunday 25 March 2018

Thursday 22 March 2018

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Math - Volume quiz (Monday)
Religion - Cross world puzzle (Monday)
French - #8 visite a Hall (Thursday the 29th)


Wednesday 21 March 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Math - volume of a triangular prism work (Th), quiz on (M)

Social Studies - map of where my family is from (Th)

Religion - Stations of the Cross (Th), crossword (M)

Burger day tomorrow

Mrs. T.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Math - volume questions (there are five of them, answer on a lined sheet of paper) (W)

Social Studies - Where did my family come from? Map (Th)

Religion - Stations of the Cross (Th)

Reminders - Funky sock day (W)

Mrs. T.

Monday 19 March 2018

Volume of a Rectangular Prism and a Triangular Prism

Monday, March 19, 2018

Social Studies - where did your ancestors come from (Tu)
Religion - THE stations of the cross (Thursday)
Literacy - subordinate clause sheet (Tuesday)
Funky sock day is Wednesday

Jobs this week:

Board and brushes - Chace
Absent student forms - Mercedez
Blog - Matthew
Messenger - Owen
Homework board - Gabriela

Thursday 8 March 2018

Math Inquiry Friday, March 9, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Math - two questions on surface area as review (F), quiz tomorrow on surface area and conversion (F)

Science - invasive species trading card (F)

Health - Poster (F)

Literacy - Commas work (there should be about 18 commas) (F)

Reminders -
book orders (20th)
food orders (F)

Mrs T

Monday 5 March 2018

Monday, March 5, 2018

Absent students file - Caleb
Boards and brushes - Matthew
Blog - Drake
Homework board - Andrew
Messenger - Kaylee

Math - surface area of triangular prisms a, b, c due tomorrow
Math - quiz (F)

Science - Invasive Species Trading Card (F)
Science - Adaptations Q 1-3 due tomorrow

Health - Poster (F)

French - test signed (Tu)

Food orders for April due by Friday

Friday 2 March 2018

Friday, March 2, 2018

Health- Poster (March 9th)
Science/Social Studies- Invasive Species Trading Card (Friday March 9th), Species Interactions Questions-1,2,3 (Monday)

-Emilie Menard have a good weekend.

Wednesday 28 February 2018

Thursday, March 1, 2018

March Events :)

12-16 March break
22 - Wow assembly at 1:45
23 - P.D. Day
29 - Stations of the Cross at 10:00
30 - Good Friday (No school)

Items to be aware of before the break (by March 9)
- Math Unit #6 test or quiz
- Health poster due (through Google classroom online)
- Invasive Species Trading card (either through Google classroom online or by hand)

After the break:
- new Social Studies unit beginning (Communities in Canada, Past and Present) the three big ideas we will be exploring during this unit are as follows
1. Many different communities have made significant contributions to Canada’s development.
2. Different groups may experience the same development or event in different ways.
3. Significant events in different communities have contributed to the development of the identity of that community and of Canada.
- our next Math focus will be Fractions, Percents and Ratios.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Health - poster due March 9th
Literacy - subordinate clause sheets tomorrow
Religion - sacrament quiz on Friday

Spirit wear orders due tomorrow

Mrs. T.

Monday 26 February 2018

Monday, February 27, 2018

Math-Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms(Tu)pg. 222-223 # 1ab, 7a
The Art-Harrow fair cover (Feb 28th)
Science - Classifying Vertebrate organizer using textbook (Tu)
Literacy - Subordinate Clauses (Tu)
Religion - Sacrament Quiz (F)

Reminders - Spirit wear orders (March 1), mini-flashlights (F)

Emilie and Mrs. T.

Friday 23 February 2018

Friday, February 23, 2018

The Arts: Harrow Fair Cover (Feb 28)

Health: Poster assignment using Google Drawing due March 9th at the latest. 

Reminders: Spirt Wear Forms (March 1)

Have an AMAZING weekend! - Miranda Masse 

Thursday 22 February 2018

Thursday, February 22, 2108

Literacy: Speech Signed (Friday)

Math: Unit Test Signed (Friday)

The Arts: Harrow Fair Cover (Feb 28)
Reminders: Spirt Wear Forms (March 1)
Toque and Scarf (Friday)

Have A Nice Night - Miranda Masse

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Wednesday, February 21 2018

Literacy: Comma in a List (Th) Speech Signed (Fri)

Math: Unit Test Signed (Fri)

The Arts: Harrow Fair Cover (Feb 28) 
Science/Social Studies: Classifying 5 Kingdom Chart (Th)

Reminders: Spirt Wear From (March 1)  Helmet, Gloves , and Skates (Th) Jersey's (Th)

    Have A Great Night- Miranda Masse

Tuesday 20 February 2018

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Arts: Harrow Fair Covers (Feb 28)

Science: Vertebrate and Invertebrate Sheet (Wed)

Reminders: Spirt Wear Forms (March 1)
Plastic Fork and Bowl (Wed)
Apron or bib (Wed)
Helmet , Gloves and Skates (Th)

Have A Great Night - Miranda Masse

Friday 16 February 2018

Friday, February 16, 2018

5$ for french week
MacMillian Orders due Tuesday
Art - Harrow Fair covers Feb 28
Book Orders Tuesday
Spirit Wear March 2
Food Orders Tuesday
Boxes - rectangular prisms or triangular prisms (Tu)

Thursday 15 February 2018

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Math - today we finished our Unit #4 test.
Literacy - we watched some amazing speeches in the gym this morning. Congratulations to Emma and Kylah you made us very proud! Kylah placed 3rd :)
Science - we started working on Vertebrate and Invertebrate work today.
Art - we worked on our Harrow Fair covers today (due Feb. 28th)
Music - test for some students (Tu)

** Note if you ordered for our hot lunch day for today, it was postponed until tomorrow.

MacMillan orders due Feb. 20th
Spirit wear orders due March 2nd
Book orders (Tu)
Boxes (rectangular prisms or triangular prisms) for Tuesday please

Tomorrow is OLYMPICS DAY
We are team Australia, so please wear blue, red and white if you can. 

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Ash Wednesday and Happy Valentine's Day

Ash Wednesday Mass this morning
Math - worked on Flyer Fun activity with decimals, we will finish our Decimals test tomorrow
Science - worked on Classifying the Five Kingdoms chart
Religion - worked on learning about the Sacrament of Holy Orders

MacMillan orders due February 20th
Spirit wear orders due March 2nd
Book orders due Tuesday
For math, we need some empty boxes (rectangular prisms and triangular prisms) please!

Mrs. T. 

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Math - finish Unit Test on Thursday

Literacy - Speeches done :) Congratulations to Kylah and Emma who will represent our class in the gym on Thursday!

Science - Electricity test signed by Wednesday

Music - some students have a test next Tuesday

French - $5.00 for French week activities

flyers (W)
boxes - rectangular prisms or triangular prisms by Monday please
MacMillan orders due February 20th
Spirit wear orders March 1st

Mrs. T.

Monday 12 February 2018

Monday, February 12, 2018

Homework Board-Owen     Absent Forms-Chloe     Boards And Brushes-Jack
Messenger-Max     Daily Blog-Madelyn


Math-Decimal Test (Tuesday)

Health/Phys. Ed-

Science/Social Studies-Electricity Test Signed (Tuesday)   Scientific Classification Note (Tuesday)

Reminders-Flyers (Wednesday)  Boxes *rectangular or triangular prisms* (Monday) MacMillian Orders Due (February 20th)  Spirit Wear Forms (March 1st)

                                                                                                        ~Madelyn Nelson

Friday 9 February 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

Happy snowy day.

Math: Test moved to Tuesday

Literacy: Speech presentations on Monday and Tuesday PRACTISE

Science: Working on the Five Kingdoms

Reminders: Mac Millan orders due Feb. 20th
School spirit wear orders due March 2nd
Report card envelopes and slips (Monday)

Mrs. Thompson
Have a great weekend... remember you have an opportunity to earn volunteer hours this weekend by shovelling snow for your neighbours.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Math: test Monday

Literacy: Practise your speech, student presentations start tomorrow

Reminders: Flashlights for Friday, Spirit Wear orders due March 1, Wear red and blue tomorrow, MacMillan orders due Feb. 20, report card envelope and slip by tomorrow

Mrs. T.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Math: Unit test on Monday, pg. 149-150 #1ab, 2ac, 11 due tomorrow

Literacy: Speech presentations start on Friday PRACTISE

Science: Vocabulary crossword due tomorrow

Religion: Complete the Matrimony and Holy Orders Sacrament information sheets

Reminders: MacMillan fundraiser orders due Feb. 20, Flashlight Friday, hot dog day tomorrow for those who have ordered.

Mrs. Thompson

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Math: Unit Test (M)

French: Test tomorrow on IR and RE

Reminders: report envelopes and slips returned by Friday, MacMillan treat orders (Feb. 20th)

Mrs. T for Dillon

Monday 5 February 2018

Monday, February 5, 2018

Literacy- work on speech

math- estimation work pg # 130 - 131 questions  3  4  8 (TU)

french- test -IR ER Wednesday

reminders- report card envelope  (f) flyers (f) tie tuesday (all month)   plaid (tu) guitars  gym  clothes (tu)


Friday 2 February 2018

Friday, February 2, 2018

Literacy :  Speech Rough Draft (M)

French: Test on RE and IR verbs (Wed, Feb 7)

Reminders: Flyers (M)

Have a good week end


Thursday 1 February 2018

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Coming home today: Interview request forms. This form gives you (parents) the information you need to schedule an interview. I have indicated on the form whether I am requesting that you book an interview, depending on your availability.
Updated to add: the yellow form states the teacher request for an interview, but has an incorrect link. The orange form has the correct link to make an appointment.
Thank you,
Mrs. Thompson

Coming home today: Interview request forms. This form gives you (parents) the information you need to schedule an interview. I have indicated on the form whether I am requesting that you book an interview, depending on your availability.

 Literacy: Rough draft (M)

Math: Power of the tens sheet (F)

French: Test on RE and IR verbs (Wed,Feb,7)

Science: Unit test (F)
               Quiz signed  (F)

Reminders: Flashlight Friday and shopping flyers for next week

by Mercedez

Wednesday 31 January 2018

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Literacy - body paragraphs (should be three for sure) done for tomorrow.
              - Rough draft must be complete by Monday

Math - work on x and dividing by 10, 100, 1000 and 10 000 due tomorrow

French - Test on RE and IR verbs (Feb. 7th)
            - Population work due tomorrow

Science - Unit test on electricity (F)
             - Quiz signed by Friday

Reminders - flashlight Friday, popcorn fundraiser tomorrow for the Robotics Team $1 per portion (optional)

Have a great night!!!

Mrs. Thompson

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Literacy: Sub topics (3 or more) and supporting ideas (Wed)

Science: Unit test (Fri)

French: Test on RE verbs (Wed,Feb 7)

Reminders: Flashlight Friday (Fri)


Monday 29 January 2018

Monday, January 29, 2018

Literacy: Main idea for your speech (Tu)

Math: One example of when we use decimals to the thousandths in real-life (Tu)

Science: Unit test (Fri)

French:Test RE verbs (wed.Feb.7)

Music: Test tomorrow Bring Guitars!!

Reminders: Tie Tuesday Plaid Tuesday
Gym clothes and guitars for tomorrow


Sunday 28 January 2018

February Events

5th - Quarter Auction fundraiser at Holy Name Church Hall, tickets available from our front office.
8th - Science stations in the library
8th - Parent and teacher interviews
14th - Ash Wednesday Mass
20th - 23rd French Week
22nd - Skating

Food days this month for those who ordered:
1st - pizza
8th - hot dog and chips
15th - pasta
22nd - burgers

Friday 26 January 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

Math- Addition and subtraction questions due Monday
Literacy- Great black out questions #1-18 due Monday, think about speech topics
science- unit test Friday
Music- test Tuesday
Reminders- Tie Tuesday, plaid Tuesday, guitar Tuesday, gym clothes  and Thursday, book orders Monday,

by Kaylee

Thursday 25 January 2018

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Math - three subtraction questions (F)
Science - big ideas, vocabulary and quiz (F)
French - ER (F)
Music - test (Tu)
Flashlights for flashlight Friday
hot chocolate sales tomorrow

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Literacy - conjunctions sheet (Th)

Science - vocab and big ideas sheet (F)
             - circuits sheet (Th)
             - short quiz (F)

Math - decimal addition sheet (Th)

Reminders - book orders (M)
 - mini flashlight (F)
- burger day (F)
- hot chocolate $1 normal (f)
- winter day (f)

by Kaylee

Monday 22 January 2018

Monday, January 22, 2018

math -comparing and ordering decimals due Tuesday
-science vocabulary and big ideas due Friday
phys ed-rubric and questions due Wednesday
-math quiz signed due Wednesday
science-conductors and insulators due Tuesday
-gym clothes due Tuesday
-guitars (for those who have them) due Tuesday
-bring mini flashlights due Friday
-book orders due Monday
by Kaylee

Jobs this week:
Absent forms - Miranda
Boards and Brushes - Chace
Blog - Kaylee
Homework board - Emma
Messenger - Hunter

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

literacy-dashes work-sheet due (Thursday )
science-Big ideas sheet+vocab due (Jan 26)
reminders-hot chocolate( Th)
food orders due 22


Tuesday 16 January 2018

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Literacy-static electricity jot notes (Wednesday)
Math-unit 4 learning goals (Wednesday)
seience-big ideas sheet +vocab due jan 26
reminders-bring experiment items (Thursday)
hot chocolate( Th)
food orders due 22


Unit 4: Decimals Learning Goals

Friday 12 January 2018

Thursday 11 January 2018

Thursday, January 11, 2018

   REMINDERS:bring $1.50 for hot chocolate and marshmallows (if you want) 
mini flashlight day (f)

                       FRENCH:french IR verbs and reading folder #6 due (f)

                       MATH: math quiz Monday

By Drake

Wednesday 10 January 2018

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


                                                                 ,     REMINDRES:
             MATH:Math worksheet (th)           Mini flashlight (f)
                          Quiz (M)                             Book orders (12th)   Wear plaid (tu)

From Drake

Tuesday 9 January 2018

Reader's Theatre example

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

                                    MINI-Flaslight (F)
                                    Book orders (13th)

Absent: Gabriela
daily blog: Drake
homework board: Chloe
messenger: Dakohta
boards and brushes: Emilie

From: Drake

Monday 8 January 2018

Monday, January 8, 2018

Welcome back!!!

- bring gym clothes (Tu)
- bring new independent reading books (Tu)
- bring guitars for music (Tu)
- book orders due on the 17th

Have a great night!!!

Remember to visit our twitter page for more information @greatgrade6T

Sunday 7 January 2018

January Events

Tie Tuesday - every Tuesday this month
12th - New Year Mass
19th - PA Day
26th - Winter Hat Day

Food days for students who have ordered:
11th - Pasta
18th - Pizza
25th - Burgers

Math Inquiry Monday, January 8, 2017

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...