Wednesday 31 May 2017

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

-Read 20 minutes/night

Gr.7-Grammer Sheets (Th)

Gr.7-8.3, 8.4, 8.5, 8.6, 8.7 (M)

Gr.6-Moon Journal


Gr.6-Science Quiz (M)

Gr.7-Virtues Assignment (F)

Gr.7-Grammar Worksheet (Th)

WoW Assembly (Th)

Theme 3 Note Signed


Gr. 6 rotational symmetry and Gr. 7 Constructing 45, 30 and 60 degree angles

Gr. 6: Rotational symmetry video and explanation

Gr. 7: Constructing 45, 30 and 60 degree angles

Tuesday 30 May 2017

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Reading: 20 minutes per night

Writing: Gr. 7 grammar sheets (Th)

Science: Gr. 6 moon journal

Math: Gr. 7 6.1.2 Part B worksheet (W)

Religion: Virtues Assignment (F)

Reminders: WOW Assembly (Th) @ 1:30

Mrs. T.

Monday 29 May 2017

Monday, May 29, 2017

Reading- Read 20 minutes/ night
Writing- Gr. 6 and 7 Comma Sheets due (Tomorrow!)
Science- Gr. 6 Moon Journal
Wow Assembly changed to Thursday at 1:30

                                                                                                                                        Myah :)

Sunday 28 May 2017


Canada is turning 150 this year (that's the sesquicentennial) and we would like to celebrate mathematically with a contest here at the WECDSB

The contest is simple: students must create a math problem related to Canada that has an answer of 150. The math problem should also be related to the grade they are in (e.g., a grade 6 student should create a problem that can be solved with grade 6 math). 

Once all the submissions are received, we will take all the eligible entries and have one draw of a $50 Chapters Gift Card for each grade k-12 and then one grand prize of a $150 Chapters Gift card to be drawn from all of the eligible entries. 

An eligible entry 
1) has a math problem related to Canada and has an answer of 150 (and it has to be correct)
2) has a full solution to the problem
3) is written with math appropriate to the grade level of the student submitting it
4) is submitted, as an image, either to this Google form (Tools2Go login required) or via Twitter using the hashtags #Equals150 #Canada150 (the hashtag is important so that we can find it - you might also want to tag your school, the WECDSB twitter feed & @Canada150th). Teachers can submit on behalf of a student.

Students can check if we have received their entry via this link

All entries must be received by June 2nd, 2017. Students can enter as often as they wish (with different math problems).

O Canada! Let's create math!!!!

Friday 26 May 2017

Friday, May 26, 2017

Reading:Read 20min/night
Writing: Comma worksheets due- Tuesday 
             Get Sell This Book signed- Monday
Science: Gr.6- Moon journal

-Point Pelee trip on Monday! make sure you bring LOTS of water, hat, sunscreen and bug spray. Lunch is provided (one slice of pizza)
Have a good weekend:)
Bryana M

Thursday 25 May 2017

Great space website

Check out this awesome (student friendly) NASA website for space - Gr. 6 students!!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Reading: Read 20min/night
Writing:Comma sheets due-Tuesday
             Sell This Book signed- Monday
Science:Gr.6-Moon journal
             Gr.7-chapter 7 quiz signed-TOMORROW

-Hawaiian day is tomorrow SHOW YOUR SPIRIT
-Please bring kleenex

By.Bryana M:)

Tuesday 23 May 2017

Tuesday, May 24, 2017

Science:moon journal

-donuts for dads form
-Bring kleenex

Bryana :)

Friday 19 May 2017

Friday, May 23, 2017

Read: 20 minutes each night

Science: Gr. 7 chapter 7 Quiz on Tuesday
Gr. 6 moon journal - work on it each night/morning

Thursday 18 May 2017

Thursday, May 17, 2017

-GR.7 complete 7.5 (F)
-GR.7 science quiz (T)- chapter 7
-GR.6 moon journal/ complete foldables
-pattern day (FRI)
-donuts for dads
-point pelee form (F)
-bring kleenex


Wednesday 17 May 2017

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

- (SCIENCE) gr.7 read pg 187-189 copy table 1 and figure 3 (Th) / quiz Friday chapter 7
-(SCIENCE) gr.6 take home moon journal
- (MATH) angles sheet (Th)
-gr.6 MATH parallel nite (Th)
- VIP pizza party TOM
- donuts for dads
- piont pelee form FRI
-Bring kleenex


Tuesday 16 May 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reading: Sell This Book presentations, practise at home. Read 20 minutes per night

Science: pg. 185 #2, 3, 4 (W) Gr. 7
Gr. 6  - Planet summaries (W)

Math - Unit 10 test signed (W)
Gr. 6 sheet 6.1.2  #1-5 due (W), work on order of operations sheets
Gr. 7 sheet 6.1.2  #1-6 due (W)

Reminders: Donuts for Dads
Point Pelee permission forms
Bring kleenex if you can

Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 15 May 2017

Monday, May 16, 2017

Jobs this week:
Homework board: Payton
Messenger: Savanna
Blog: Olivia
Boards: Sydney T.
Absent students: Rylee S.

Reading: practise Sell This Book and read 20 minutes each night

Science: Gr. 7 - Quiz Friday on Chapter 7. For tomorrow: pg. 185 #2, 3, 4
     Gr. 6 - Planet summaries due tomorrow (all 8 planets)

Math: Gr. 6 - 6.1.2 # 1-5 due Wednesday, Unit 10 test signed (W)
Gr. 7 - 6.1.2 part A due Wednesday, Unit 10 test signed (W)

- Fun and Fitness day tomorrow: water, sunscreen, lunch hats, running shoes
- Donuts for Dads forms due by the 26th
- Point Pelee form (F)
- Kleenex

Sunday 14 May 2017

Online angle measurement practise and Gr. 7 instructional videos

This site is great for practising lining up a protractor with the base line, as well as measuring angles. Try it out!!
It starts out with acute angles only, when you are ready, click on the bottom right corner to move to angles less than 180 degrees.
Classifying angles practise. Use class code ZP97H.

Gr. 7 instructional videos:
Constructing parallel lines using a compass, pencil and ruler:

Constructing perpendicular lines using a compass, pencil and ruler:

Friday 12 May 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017 and Math Learning Goals

Science: Gr.6 4 planet summary (M)

Math: Gr.6 Math test signed (M)
           Learning goals (M)

Reminders: All textbooks must be at school Monday for inventory please! 😀
                   Gr.7 immunizations Monday

Jason :)

Grade 7 learning goals:

Grade 6 learning goals:

Thursday 11 May 2017

Gr. 7 Heat in the Environment

Watch the Magic School bus episode from 3:00 - 7:10

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Science: Gr.6 four planet summary (M)

Math: Unit 10 test (Tom.)
           Study for test

Reminders: Walk-a-thon $ (Tom)
                   pita pit $ (Tom)
                   Twin day (Tom)

BY: Jason!

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Jason's on the blog for the rest of the week :)

Read - practise your Sell This Book presentations at home... follow your rubric and success criteria. Read 20 minutes a night.

Math - Unit 10 test on Friday (STUDY!)

Music - Test for Gr. 7's and some Gr. 6's tomorrow

Twin Day Friday
Pita Pit orders due Friday

Jason and Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 8 May 2017

Thursday 4 May 2017

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Reading: Sell This Book (starts May 10)
                read 20 minutes per night

Writing: Apostrophe Quiz signed (F)

History: Results of War of 1812 and Opinion of winner of war (F)

Social Studies: Residential School and Immigration Organizer (F)

Gr. 7 survey form
Walk a thon pledges (12th)
Fitness day permission form (10th)
Pictures or orders (9th)
Hat day tomorrow

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Reading - read 20 min./ night, Sell This Book (work done in class, practise can be done at home)

Writing - Simile and metaphor (Th)
               Apostrophe quiz signed (Th)

French - project (Th)

VIP hours sheet tomorrow, absolute last day
Walkathon pledges (May 12)
Fitness permission forms (May 10)
Pictures or orders (May 9)
Hat day (F)
Gr. 7 climate survey forms (May 8th)

Mrs. T.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Reading: read 20 min/night and Sell This Book presentations start May 10

Writing: Finish simile and metaphor journal (W)

Math: Unit 8 Test (W)
           Gr. 7 sign math test (W)

French: project due Thursday

- VIP hours sheet ASAP
- Walk a thon pledges by May 12th
- Fitness Fun day permission form May 10th
- Picture or picture orders by May 9th

Mrs. T :)

Monday 1 May 2017

Monday, May 1, 2017

Jobs this week:
Homework Board: Landon
Messenger: Dante
Blog: Matteo
Boards/Brushes: Sarah
Absent Student Forms: Ava

Reading: -read
-Sell This Book (starts May 10)

History:presentations war of 1812 (tues)

Math:unit #8 test both grades (W)
-G7 sign math test (W)
Gr 6 Math sheet review (Tu)
Gr 7 pg 371 #2,3 (Tu)

French project due Thursday

Reminders:VIP hour sheet tom
Walk a thon pledges (May 12th)
Fun Fitness Day permission forms (May 10th)
Pictures and/or picture orders (May 9th)

Matteo and Mrs. T :)

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...