Tuesday 28 February 2017

Wonderful Guidance from Pope Francis this Lenten Season

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reading: Read 20 mins/night
               Movie poster/ book cover (8th)

Social studies / History: Gr.7 1713 map (Th)
                                       Gr.6 Wo and why note (Th)

Math: Surface area sheet (W)

Reminders: Bring $5 for french week (F)
                   Yearbook order form and $20 April 14th

By: Jason

The winner of our Summary Tournament:

Our prayer table group for March, with their St. Patrick's Day/Forgiveness Prayer table:

Monday 27 February 2017

Cross Zentangles

Here are some examples of what your cross zentangle could look like, you could include a Biblical passage and/or Lenten/Easter symbols or images.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Reading: Read 20 mins./night
               Movie poster/ book cover (8th)

Social Studies\History: Gr.6 Who and why notes 1900 - today (Tu)
                                      Gr.7 "A Typical Seigneury diagram (Tu)

Reminders: Yearbook order form and $20 - April 14th

By Jason

Friday 24 February 2017

The Month Ahead....

28th - Chess Tournament, good luck David and Landon

1st - Mass at 9:45
2nd - WE Day, have a great time and represent us well Ava, Bryana, Olivia and Kailyana
13th - 17th March Break
28th - MADD presentation (Gr. 7's)
30th - Club and Team photos
31st - PD Day (no school)

Every Thursday morning - VIP (Gr. 6's)

Student of the Month theme: Kindness

Friday, February 24, 2017

Reading- Read 20minutes/night
                Book Cover/Movie Poster due March 8

Art- Harrow Fair Art due February 27

Reminders- Yearbook order form and $20 due April 14th


By: Savanna Richardson

Super Summary

Thursday 23 February 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Reading- Read 20minutes/night
                Book cover/Movie Poster due March 8
                Grade 6: Blackout of 2003 Q's due Friday

Science- Grade 7: The Seigneurial System due Friday

Art- Harrow Fair Art due February 27

Math- Investigating Right Prisms due Friday

Reminders- Book Orders due February 24

By: Savanna Richardson

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Reading- Read 20mins/night
                Book cover/Movie poster due March 8th

Science- Gr.6: Science test signed by Thursday
               Video Sheet due Thursday

Art- Harrow Fair Art due February 27th

Math- Unit 5 test signed Thursday

Reminders- Bring instruments back tomorrow 
                    Book orders are due 24th

By: Savanna Richardson :)

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Why do people move to Canada? Current day reasoning/example


Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading- Read 20 mins/night
                book cover/movie poster due March 8th

Science- Grade 6: Science test signed by Thursday

Art- Harrow Fair art due on the 27th

Math- Unit 5 Math test signed by Thursday
           Conversion worksheet due Wednesday

Reminders- Book orders due on the 24th
                    Spitfires Raise You Hands ticket forms and money due TOMORROW

By: Savanna Richardson

Friday 17 February 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017

Reading: read 20 min./night, movie poster or book cover is due March 8th

Writing: news article good copy must be ready to print on Tuesday

History: Gr. 7,  A Day in the Life chart and sentences finished for Tuesday

Art: Harrow Fair Program Cover due Feb. 27th

- Spitfire ticket and orders due 22nd
- book orders due the 24th

Have a great long weekend!!
Mrs. Thompson

Thursday 16 February 2017

History of Canada video

Thursday, February 17, 2017

Reading - read 20 minutes per night, movie poster or book cover due March 8th

Writing - news article good copy due Tuesday

Math - unit #5 test Friday
           Gr. 6 - math practise questions (EQAO) - answers on blog (scroll down)
           Gr. 7 - study and finish sheet

Social Studies - Gr. 6 read pg. 126-129 answer two questions - on blog (scroll down)

Art - Harrow Fair cover due 27th

- Spitfires ticket orders (22nd)
- Crazy Hair Day (F)
- Book orders (24th)

Mrs. T  and DANTE!!!
For you Landon:

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Reading - read 20 minutes per night, movie poster or book cover due March 8th

Writing - news article good copy due Tuesday

Math - unit #5 test Friday
           Gr. 6 - pg. 348-349 #1, 2, 5, 7, 8 9 (Tu)
           Gr. 7 - 4.5.2 (Tu)

- Spitfires ticket orders (22nd)
- Crazy Hair Day (F)

Mrs. T :)

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Tuesday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day ♡💖💜💟💝💛❤

Reading - 20 minutes/night of reading
                 Book cover or movie poster due March 8th

Writing - Rough draft of news article (W)
                Good copy done by the 21st

Math - Unit #5 Test (F)

Art - Harrow Fair cover (27th)

- Spitfires ticket orders (22nd)

Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 13 February 2017

Monday, February 13, 2017

Jobs this week:

Robbie - boards and brushes
David - messenger and fish feeder
Collin - absent student forms
Dante - blog
Zoee - assigned work board

Today's work:

Reading - read 20 minutes/night
                 movie poster or book cover for your independent reading task due March 8th

Writing - working on our rough draft of our news article

Math - Unit #5 test on Friday
            Gr. 6 - pg. 356-357 #1, 2, 3, 5, 6 (Tu)
            Gr. 7 - trapezoid and composite shape sheet (Tu)

- Spitfires ticket sales due Feb. 22nd
- wear red, pink or white tomorrow
- Pita Pit lunch on Friday for those who ordered

Mrs. Thompson :)

Friday 10 February 2017

Friday, February 10, 2017

READ/20 minutes a night

Writing - Lead for news article (M)

Science - Duotang collected (M)

By: Matteo

Thursday 9 February 2017

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Reading: Read 20 min./night

Science 6: Electricity Mind Map (F)
                  Unit test (F)
                  notebooks handed in F

Science 7: Inquiry 4 section task (F)
                  Separating Solutions Note (F)
                 notebooks handed in F

Math 6: worksheet (F)

Math 7: pg. 229-230 #3, 4, 6, 8 (F)

Reminders: Report card envelopes and parent slips (F)
                    Raise your hands ticket forms and $ (22nd)
                   Spirit day F 

By: Matteo

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Reading: Read 20 min./night

Science 6: Electricity Mind Map (F)
                  Unit test (F)

Science 7: Inquiry 4 section task (F)
                  Separating Mechanical Mixtures Note (W)

Math 6: Get ratio/rate quiz signed (W)
              pg. 354 #2, 3, 4, 5 (W)

Math 7: Get rate quiz signed (W)

Reminders: Report card envelopes and parent slips (F)
                    Raise your hands ticket forms and $ (22nd)
                    Pita Pit forms and $ (Th)
                    Permission forms for OPP detachment visit (Th)

Monday 6 February 2017

Monday, February 6, 2017

Reading: "Students Grow Flying Sauce" chart (Tu)
                Read 20 min./night

Science 6: Electricity Mind Map (F)
                  Transforming Energy chart (Tu)
                  Unit test (F)

Science 7: Inquiry 4 section task (F)

Math 6: Get ratio/rate quiz signed (W)

Math 7: Get rate quiz signed (W)
             pg. 236-237 #1, 2, 4 (Tu)

Reminders: Report card envelopes and parent slips (F)
                    Raise your hands ticket forms and $ (22nd)
                    Pita Pit forms and $ (Th)

Mrs. T :)

Here is some of our Gr. 7 math work today, finding the perimeter and area of composite shapes:

Thursday 2 February 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Tomorrow is Superbowl Day... wear your favourite jersey!!

Math: Unit #4 math test must be signed for tomorrow
Science: Gr. 7 Chpt. 1 and 2 test tomorrow
Reading: Read for 20 minutes/night

book orders due tomorrow
bring in a picture of your family for tomorrow
Raise your hands for Spitfires due Feb. 22
pizza day tomorrow for any students who ordered

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

-Read 20 minutes/night
-Gr.7 science Chpt 1 and 2 test (F)
-Gr.6 science circuit questions (Th)
-Gr.7 science Different Solvents (Th)
-Tableau presentation (Th)
-Math rate quiz (Th)
-Math Unit #4 test signed (F)
-Prayer good copy (Th)
-Kleenex boxes :)
-Book orders (3)
-Superbowl day (F)
-Bring in family photo (Tom)
-Raise your hands Spitfires by Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Emma H :)

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...