Tuesday 31 January 2017

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Reading - read 20 minutes per day

Science - Gr. 7 chapter 1 and 2 test (F)

Drama - Tableaux presentations (W)

Math - Gr. 6 and 7 rate quiz (Th), get Unit #4 math test signed by Friday

Religion - prayer good copy (Th)

Reminders -
books orders due Feb. 3rd
Superbowl Day Friday
Bring in family photo
Raise Your Hand Spitfire Ticket fundraiser - due Feb. 22nd

Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 30 January 2017

Monday, January 30, 2017

-Read 20 minutes/night
Science-Gr.7:Chpt 1 and 2 test (Th)
Drama-tableau presentations (31)
Math-Gr.6 and Gr.7 math rate quiz (W)
-Gr.7 math pg.64#1, 2, 4, 5, 6
-Gr.6 math pg.322#32, 4, 5, 6, 8
Reminders-PRAYER good copy (W)
-Kleenex boxes!!
-Book orders (3)
-Superbowl day (F)
-Bring in family photo

Emma H.

Friday 27 January 2017

Friday, January 27, 2017

Reading: Read 20 min/night

Art: Tableau Presentations (31)

Math: Unit Rate Quiz (Wednesday)

Reminders: Kleenex Boxes Please!!!!!
                    Book Orders (Feb. 3rd)

                                            By: Ava Pearce , Have A Good Weekend ;)

Thursday 26 January 2017

Thursday, January 26,2017

Reading: Read 20min/night
Science: Vocabulary for both grades (tomorrow)
Art:Tableau Presentation (31)
Phys.Ed: rubric signed (tomorrow)
Math: Gr.7 Using rates worksheet (tomorrow)
           Gr.6+7: Unit rates worksheet #1-4 (tomorrow)
Reminders: Sunshine day tomorrow
                    Kleenex Boxes!!!!!
                    Pizza orders due tomorrow
                    Book orders Feb 3rd
                    Bring instruments (tomorrow)

By: Ava Pearce

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Gr. 6 Science: Current Electricity, Conductors and Insulators

B. Complete the OERB learning activities on Electricity. You will create a note titled Electricity: Key Ideas as you complete the learning activities. To find the OERB learning activities:

1. Go to our school board webpage (www.wecdsb.on.ca). Click on student portal. The login and password for home use is "student." 

2. Once in the student portal scroll down to the bottom, look on the left for the OERB link, click on the OERB icon. 

3. When the OERB opens up and prompts for a login and password they are login: WECDSBstudent, password: oerbs. 

4. For the terms and agreements, click "I Agree." On the next page, click Search.

5. Click "Simple Search," then enter this as your search term: ELO1382630

6. Scroll down a little, after this title, click "Preview"

Grade 6 - Science: Unit 3: Activity 3: Static and Current Electricity (Series Title: Grade 6 - Science: Unit 3: Understanding Matter and Energy: Electricity and Electrical Devices)

7. Click "Content" at the top.

8. Scroll half way down, and look for this...n this interactive activity you will learn about the Law of Attraction and how it is related to sticky balloons and lightning. Make summary notes and drawings in your science notebook as you complete the activity.
Click on "Law of Attraction" and complete the activity on static electricity. Remember to take notes on the key ideas in the activity.

9. Look for this next... Complete this interactive activity to learn more about current electricity . As you complete the activity make jot notes of the most important things you learn in your science notebook. Then check with a friend to make sure you wrote down the same points.
Click on "current electricity" and complete the activity. Remember to take notes on the key ideas in the activity.

10. Look for this one as your last activity... Make jot notes in your science notebook as you complete this interactive activity investigating electrical conductors and insulators. Also record why you think it is important to know which materials are conductors and which are insulators.
Click on "electrical conductors and insulators" and complete the activity. Remember to take notes on the key ideas in the activity.

Gr. 7 Science: Solutes and Solvents

To learn more about solutions there are two learning opportunities for you...
A. Watch this video about solutes and solvents. 
     While watching create a detailed note (use explanations and diagrams where applicable), titled Solutes and Solvents

B. Complete the OERB learning activity on Solutions. Add to your Solutes and Solvents note as you complete the activity. To find the OERB learning activity:

1. Go to our school board webpage (www.wecdsb.on.ca). Click on student portal. 

2. Once in the student portal scroll down to the bottom, look on the left for the OERB link, click on the OERB icon. 

3. When the OERB opens up and prompts for a login and password they are login: WECDSBstudent, password: oerbs. 

4. For the terms and agreements, click "I Agree." On the next page, click Search.

5. Click "Simple Search," then enter this as your search term: ELO1382910.

6. Scroll down a little, after this title:

Grade 7 - Science: Unit 3: Activity 1: Pure Substances and Mixtures (Series Title: Grade 7 - Science: Unit 3: Understanding Matter and Energy: Pure Substances and Mixtures)

click "Preview"

7. Click "Content" at the top, scroll to the bottom, click "Next"

8. Scroll half way down, and look for this...In this interactive activity, you will learn more about solutions. Remember to continue to make summary notes of what you learn in your science notebook.

9. Click on "solutions."

10. Now you can participate in the learning activity. 

11. Print the final page of the learning activity. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reading: Read 20 min/night 

Science: Vocabulary 6+7 (Friday)

Art: Tableau Presentations (Jan. 31)

Phys. Ed: Get Rubric Signed (Friday)

Math: Using Rates Worksheet (Friday)

Reminders: Sunshine Day (27th) Wear Bright Colours And Sunglasses
                    KLEENEX BOXES PLEASE!!!!!!
                    Pizza Orders (Friday)

By: Ava Pearce

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Inference Practise


Try these out to practise making inferences.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Reading: READ 20 min/night

Science: Vocabulary Gr. 6 and 7 (Friday)
                Gr.7 pg. 24-27 #2,3,4,5 (Wednesday)
                 Gr.6 Worksheet on conductors and insulators (Wednesday)

Art: Tableau Presentations (31st)

Reminders: Sunshine day (27th)
                    KLEENEX BOXES PLEASE!!!!!!
                    Pizza Orders Due (Friday)

By: Ava Pearce

Monday 23 January 2017

Monday, January 23, 2017

Drama: Tableau pres. (January 31)

Science: Science vocabulary Gr. 6 and 7 (Friday)

Reading: Read 20 min/night

Reminders: Sunshine Day (wear yellow and sunglasses) January 27
                    Kleenex Boxes Please
                    Pizza Orders due (Friday)

Thursday 19 January 2017

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Math:     unit 4 math test [23]
               practice sheet grade 6/7

Science:      grade 7 20-21figure 3 and # 1,3,4

Drama:       tableau pres [31]

Reminders:     kleenex box please
                        read 20 minutes a night


Monday 16 January 2017

Monday, January 16, 2017

book orders [Jan 19]
Read [20 min/night
inference sheet both sides[Tu]
Unit 4 math test Jan [23]
grade 6-worksheet on multiplying and dividing by 10,100,1000,10 000 [Tu]
Grade 7-7.16.1 sheet [Tu]
Grade 6-questions and current and static Electricity [Tu]

Landon :)

Thursday 12 January 2017

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Read (20 min/night)

FRENCH: Gr:7 Mr nature/worksheets

Mass (9:45)

Book orders Dec 19 


Robbie soulliere 

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

If you were away today, we definitely missed you!
We will see you tomorrow!
Technology day is set for Thursday.

Make sure your work from yesterday is done:
Literacy - Biography presentation rubric signed ( W )

Reading - Read 20 minutes per night

Math - get decimal quiz signed (W)
Gr. 6 - pg. 149 #2 abcd, 3, 6, 9
Gr. 7 - sheet 7.14.2

Mass on Friday at 9:45am


What can you tell about this dog?

Monday 9 January 2017

Monday, January 9, 2017

Literacy - Biography presentation rubric signed ( W )

Reading - Read 20 minutes per night

Math - get decimal quiz signed (W)
Gr. 6 - pg. 149 #2 abcd, 3, 6, 9
Gr. 7 - sheet 7.14.2

Mass on Friday at 9:45am

Payton and Mrs. T.

Friday 6 January 2017

Community Service Project

We've worked hard on friendly letters, prayers and a gift bag for police constables that work for Windsor Police. These packages were handed out over the Christmas break to officers, and they loved them!!! My heart is so full just knowing the incredible impact you had on these adults, and the way you could put a great smile on their faces! Great job 6F and 6/7T!

To:          Grade 6/7 Class, Holy Name Grade School, Essex
                Care of Mrs. D Thompson

Hello to all of you!  When I got to my office today, I was surprised and really happy to find my care package.  Just in case it being Friday wasn’t good enough, you guys made it great!!

As an officer of Windsor Police for the past 18 years I have had many good and bad contacts with the general public.  Sometimes it seems like things are back sliding and we worry that as time goes on things are getting worse.  But when a whole class of kids steps up and does such a great and thoughtful thing just for officers?  That kind of smile will be stuck on my face for quite some time. 

So thank you so VERY much!  You guys keep being awesome and your successful futures are assured!  Warm wishes for the New Year.


Const. Ken Burt #1990
Windsor Police Service

Sunday 1 January 2017

Coming up in 2017....

Happy New Year!! Wishing all of you a very healthy, happy and blessed 2017!


Events coming to 6/7T in the month of January:
13th - Mass at 9:45am
20th - P.D. Day 
27th - Hockey Academy Presentation at 1:30pm
30th to February 3rd - Prayers on the morning announcements

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...