Wednesday 30 November 2016

December Events

2nd - Mass at the Church 9:45am
5th - Pasta Dinner at Holy Name of Jesus Church
7th - FINA World Swimming Championships at the WFCU Center
9th - A Christmas Carol performance by the WDX
14th-15th - Father Dave classroom visits
15th - WOW Assembly 1:30pm
19th - Movie and Popcorn day
21st - Christmas Carols in the gym
22nd - Technology day
23rd - Christmas Trivia and staff/student volleyball game

There will be a Unit #3 Math Test sometime around the 12th.
There will be ongoing assessments in Social Studies/Geography as we complete these units.

Computers: Thursday, December 1st

Watch the following THREE videos on stem and leaf plots. While you are watching, create your own tool kit note on Stem and Leaf plots.

Next, complete the stem and leaf plot work that Mrs. Thompson has for you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Literacy - Sell This Pen presentations W, Th

Gr. 6 - pg. 180 #1, 3, 6 (W)
Gr. 7 - pg. 176 #1, 3 abcd, 7 (W)

Social Studies - Doctors Without Borders Questions (W)

Whose Phone is This? signed (W)

- can drive Dec. 1 - 19
- book orders Dec. 1
- FINA and Christmas Carol permission forms and $ (F)

Mrs. T and Emma H. :)

One Perspective Scene

Monday 28 November 2016

Graphing it Up

Spreading some Christmas cheer

We visited our buddy class today to prepare for the coming of the Messiah by writing a letter to jolly old Saint Nick! Next, we read stories about Christmas, the birth of baby Jesus and some of our favourites too! 

Monday, November 28, 2016

FINA World Swimming Championships permission form and $6 by Dec. 2nd
A Christmas Carol permission form and $10 by Dec. 2nd.

Literacy - Oral presentations of "Sell This Pen" Tuesday to Thursday this week.
Reading - Get "Whose Phone is This?" signed by Wednesday

Social Studies (Gr. 6) - Finish three questions on the World Health Issues Map by Tuesday
Geography (Gr. 7) - Finish the North American Great Divide map by Tuesday and hand in

(Gr. 6) pg. 170 #1, 2, 3, 4 due Tuesday
(Gr. 7) pg. 170 #1, 2, 3, 5 due Tuesday

Mrs. Thompson

Friday 25 November 2016

Gr. 7 Geography Water Systems Inquiry Project

Inquiry Hints for Groups

All Groups:
Key words - issues, problems, environmental impact
Websites -

Group 4: Dam Building - Problems with the Three Gorges Dam in China

Group 5: Irrigation effects on the Aral Sea

Group 6: Bottled Water - impact of Nestle Bottle Water Plant in Guelph and Elora, Ontarioé-waters-canada-plan-to-tap-aquifer-worries-elora-ont-residents-1.3295331

Friday, November 25, 2016

Writing:  Practice selling this pen ( we will be presenting Tues-Thurs)

- Please bring in basket items by Monday 
- Book orders MUST be in by Dec.1

Have a good weekend 

Thursday 24 November 2016

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Writing: Good copy sell this pen SCRIPT- Friday
Science/Geography: Vocab quiz signed- Friday
                                           Gr.7- River System Questions- Friday
                                           Gr.6- Human Rights Mind Map- Friday

-  Basket items by Monday please
-  Book orders in by Thursday, Dec.1

By Bryana :)

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Writing: Work and practice selling this pen presentation- Friday
Social Studies/Geography: Vocab quiz signed- Friday 

- Basket items- Monday

Marvellous Maps

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Our retreat today was awesome!! Nick Fournier showed us how we can be a light for others and how spreading love, treating others with kindness and compassion is so integral every day. Please see below for pictures.

Literacy: work on your "Sell This Pen" presentation

Geography: River Drainage Pattern Foldable (W)

Social Studies: Child Rights Organizer (W)

Have a great evening!!

Mrs. Thompson

Monday 21 November 2016

Monday, November 21, 2016

Writing:  Work on sell this pen ad

Science:  Gr.6 - Child rights
                    Gr.7 - River drainage pattern foldable - Wednesday

-All day church retreat tomorrow (lunch and snacks provided)

 -Bryana M :)

Thursday 17 November 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016

work on selling pen ad
math test signed (m)
work on vocabulary
vocabuly quiz (m the 21)
water supply qustions monday
canada role (pg 22-25 due monday)
church retreat tuesday lunch prvided all day
report card slip signed (ASAP)

by collin :)

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Geography/Social Studies: gr 7 + 6 vocabulary quiz (M) 21st, work on vocabulary
Math: math tests signed (M)
Literacy: work on selling pen ad
Science (6): invasive species project signed

by Collin 

One-point Perspective

Image result for one point perspective drawing

One point perspective landscape
Image result for one point perspective drawing

Thursday 10 November 2016

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Math:unit 2 quiz tom.

Social studies\geography:Vocabulary quiz 21st

Reminders: wear red tom. book fair purchase Mon.

By Jason!!

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Welcome to Ms. Allevato who is in for Mrs. Thompson on Wednesday.

Wednesday's assigned work:

Gr. 6
Literacy: Persuasion techniques for advertising and writing.
Social Studies: Work on your vocabulary list for this unit.
Family Life: Draft of your personal cinquain (Th)
Math: Combining Transformations sheet Th), Transformations Quiz (F)
Music: Remember to bring your guitar (Th)

Gr. 7
Literacy: Persuasion techniques for advertising and writing.
Geography: Note on Plates Build Mountains, Landforms Quiz (Th)
Family Life: Draft of your personal cinquain (Th)
Math: Tesselation sheet (Th), Transformations Quiz (F)

All: Wear red on Friday for Remembrance Day

Have a great day!
Mrs. Thompson

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Math: Gr.6- Math #1,1,2
           Unit 2 math test- Friday (Gr.6&7)
Science/Geography: Gr.6- United Nations copy-Wednesday
                                   Gr.7- Landform quiz-Thursday
                                          - Landform questions- Wednesday
Family Life - Gr. 6 - My puzzle (W)
                       Gr. 7 - Personality Poem (W)

Reminders - wear red on Friday

Bryana and Mrs. T.

Monday 7 November 2016

Persuasive techniques in advertising/writing and cinquain poetry

Does this advertisement use logos, pathos or ethos to persuade the audience to join the ASPCA?

Does this advertisement use logos, pathos or ethos to persuade the audience to use/purchase Colgate Total?

Does this advertisement use logos, pathos or ethos to persuade the audience to vote Wesley Meredith for State Senate?

Does this advertisement use logos, pathos or ethos to persuade the audience that a mac is better than vista?

For Family Life:

Monday, November 7, 2016

Math: Gr.6 pg.254 #1,2,3
          Unit 2 quiz Friday (Both grades)

Social Studies\Geography: Gr. 6 three questions Tues.
                                            Gr.7 Landforms quiz Wed.

Literacy: Conjunctions first page both sides Tues. (both grades)

Religion: Gr.6 Puzzle pieces Wed.
                Gr. 7 Personality poem Wed.

French: Gr.6 IR verbs test Tues

Reminders: Picture orders Nov. 8

Jason :)

Friday 4 November 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016

Math: Unit 2 test-Wednesday (both Gr.7&6)
              Gr. 6 - Rotations sheet due Monday

Science: Gr.7- Landform quiz-Wednesday
                   Gr. 7 - Landform chart-Monday

French: Gr.6- IR verb test-Tuesday

-Congratulations to all our WOW winners of October!
- Picture orders due Tuesday, November 8th

From, Bryana

Thursday 3 November 2016

Practise with transformations (math)

Also check your mytools2go account for a slideshow of examples of patterns which have been created by transforming patterns.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Reading:Who's phone is this-Friday (In class only)
Math: Unit 2 test on tranformations - Tuesday (Gr.6&7)
             Test Signed-Friday (Gr.6&7)
             Gr.7-Dilation worksheet-Friday
Social Studies/Geography:Map of Canada-Friday (in class only)
                                                        Landform quiz-Wednesday (Gr. 7 only)

 -Wear red and blue tomorrow  SHOW YOUR PRIDE
- The WOW assembly has been changed to Friday at 1:25.                                                    -Bryana M

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Reading:Who's phone is this-Nov.4
Math: Unit 2 test-Friday (Gr.6&7)
             Test Signed-Friday (Gr.6&7)
Social Studies/Geography:Map of Canada-Friday (in class only)
                                                        Landform quiz-Wednesday (Gr. 7 only)

Religon: Gr.7 Patience proverbs-Thursday
                   Gr. 6 Puzzle piece chart-Thursday
 -Wear red and blue on friday SHOW YOUR PRIDE
- The WOW assembly has been changed to Friday at 1:25.                                                    -Bryana M

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Dilations (Gr 7 math) and Landforms (Gr. 7 geography)

This link will review the idea of dilations, as well as provide you with practise dilating a point on a coordinate grid.

This video will help to teach you about the landforms:

Reliable sites for research on landforms:

We will use this video when discussing changes to landforms:

Tuesday, Nov.1, 2016

Reading:Who's phone is this-Due Nov.4
Math: Gr.6-Transforming Figures worksheet-Wednesday
Social Studies/Geography:Map of Canada-Friday (in class only)
 -Bring gardening gloves and hand shovels tomorrow
- The WOW assembly has been changed to Friday at 1:25.                                                    -Bryana M

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...