Friday 23 December 2016

Friday December 23 ,2016

Bring new reading book (Jan. 9)

AVA :)

From Mrs. Thompson:
We have had such an amazing week, from the dress-up spirit days to the special events, our Christmas trivia today, the plastic wrap ball game and the desk and locker clean-out. It has been a special week with a truly special group of kids. Thank you parents for raising children who are compassionate, enthusiastic and thoughtful! 

For those of you who were away today.... you need to hand in completed units from Family Life and Social Studies/Geography as soon as you are back. 

Christmas fun!

Thursday 22 December 2016

Thursday, December 23, 2016

Geography: Gr.7 Work on vocab + slides (Friday)
Reminders: Christmas sweaters/ Red and Green (Friday)

Ava :)

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Math - math quiz tomorrow on comparing, ordering, adding and subtracting decimals (Th)

Art - city/country one point perspective art due tomorrow

Geography - work on vocabulary and slides (F)

Movie and popcorn tomorrow :)
Festive hat day tomorrow
Gr. 7 potluck - bring a dish (not dessert) and a plate, fork and spoon

Great article!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Art/Health:  City/Country art (Thurs.)
Math: Math quiz (Th), Test signed (wed)
Social Studies/Geography: Gr. 6: Map due Wednesday
                                          Gr.7: Work on Vocab
Writing: Biography Presentations (Wed.)
Reminders: Gr.7 Potluck (Thurs)
                 Christmas Hair tomorrow
 Ava :)

Monday 19 December 2016

Monday, December 19, 2016

Art: city/ country art (next Thurs)

Math: Quiz (Th) on comparing, adding and subtracting decimals, get Unit #3 test signed (W)
Gr. 6: pg. 135-136 #1 abef,. 3, 4, 6, 9 (Tu)
Gr. 7: sheet 7.13.1 (Tu)

Social Studies: Map due Wednesday
Geography: work on vocabulary

Biography presentation Tuesday, Wednesday

Pizza lunch tomorrow (you get two slices)

Mrs. T  and Ava and Collin :)

Sunday 18 December 2016

Events this week:

We have a lot of exciting events going on this week, please participate!

Monday - Christmas sock day

Tuesday - Red and white (candy cane day), biography presentations, 1:30 Wow Assembly, pizza lunch (2 slices)

Wednesday - Christmas hair or hat day, biography presentations, 1:30 Christmas Carols

Thursday - Movie and popcorn morning, biography presentations, math quiz

Friday - Red and green day, Christmas trivia competition, staff vs. student volleyball game (p.m.)

Wednesday 14 December 2016

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

art city/country art due next Thurs

math decimal worksheet due tomorrow (gr7)
Gr6 numbers 1,2,5 pg 123 (tom)

Geography gr7 great divide map and quiz signed tomorrow, climate graph complete for tomorrow
Social Studies: gr6 trading partners due tomorrow (see below) world health assignment signed due fri

Literacy: biography rough draft due thursday

                                                    By: David

Tuesday 13 December 2016

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Happy birthday Emma! 

Math: Learning goals for Unit#4 due tomorrow (see below). 
Art: City/country one point perspective art due Dec 22nd. 
Geo.: Great Divide Map and water systems quiz signed for Thursday. 
Social Studies: pg. 56-59 notes (see picture below). 
Literacy: outline/framework for biography oral presentation. 

Can drive ends Dec. 19th

Gr. 7 permission forms for Advent play and Getting Along Digitally. 

Monday 12 December 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Math: Unit #3 Test tomorrow

Social Studies: Economy and Trade vocabulary due today

Writing: Biography mini-report due today

Family Life (Gr. 7): Emotional Vocabulary and Emotions response due today

Reminders: Can drive ends Dec. 19th
Gr. 7 permission forms due for Advent Play and GAD

Sunday 11 December 2016

Schedule Changes

A few schedule changes have been made to our December events, so to confirm:

13th - Watch dress rehearsal of our buddy class's Christmas Concert
14th-15th - Father Dave visits
16th - Gr. 7's to the Advent Play and Getting Along Digitally

20th - WOW Assembly
20th - Free pizza lunch (we won this during Read-a-thon). Two slices of pizza per student :)
21st - Christmas Carols in the gym (1:15pm)
22nd - Movie and Popcorn day in our classroom
23rd - Staff/student volleyball game and Christmas Trivia competition

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Literacy: Get "Sell This Pen" signed by Thursday

Family Life Gr. 6: Complete questions on two of the short stories (pg. 15-19), questions sent on mytools2go. Due Thursday

Gr. 6: pg. 174-175 #5, 6a, b, reflect (W)
Gr. 7: extra practise sheet (W)

Social Studies: Why? journal (Th)
Geography: Water System Changes quiz (F)

FINA World Swimming Championships tomorrow - eat a big breakfast, dress in layers (it's warm in there), no money or other items can be brought or purchased. We will be back at the school before 12:15. 
Can drive until Dec. 19th
Crazy hat day Friday

Mrs. Thompson :)

Monday 5 December 2016

Monday, December 5, 2016

Social Studies: read pg. 48-49 and copy the diagram on pg. 48
Geography: water change issues quiz on Friday, study

Math Gr. 6: pg. 174-175 #2, 3, 4
Math Gr. 7: pg. 200-201#2, 3, 5

Art: hello word art due by Friday

FINA world swimming championships Wednesday, dress in layers (apparently it is warm in there, and wear blue and red, our school colour).
Can drive continues until Dec. 19th.

Happy birthday to Matteo!! 😎🎂

Mrs. Thompson

Students with jobs this week:
Blog - Drew
Absent student forms - Brody
Messenger - Olivia
Boards and brushes - Savanna
Homework board - Myah

Sunday 4 December 2016

FINA World Swimming Championships

FINA World Swimming Championships: Reading a News Article Task

1. Browse through the following news articles about the FINA World Swimming Championships (found at the bottom of this blog post).
2. Choose ONE article to complete your assignment.
3. Assignment, list the following information found in the article, INDEPENDENTLY, on a lined sheet of paper then submit to your teacher.
Article title:
Any other interesting details:

4. Search the FINA website for:

  • how many swimmers will compete
  • the events taking place on Wednesday
  • the building of the pool 
  • how many countries are competing
  • the different countries that will have swimmers competing
  • what type of swimming race this competition focusses on
  • who the mascot is and why this mascot was chosen

Articles (if there is a video with the article, please watch the video):

Thursday 1 December 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Gr. 6 - stem and leaf plot sheet, both sides as well as pg. 192 #2, 3 (F)
Gr. 7 - stem and leaf plot sheet

Can drive donations

Permission forms and money (F)

Mrs. T :)

Wednesday 30 November 2016

December Events

2nd - Mass at the Church 9:45am
5th - Pasta Dinner at Holy Name of Jesus Church
7th - FINA World Swimming Championships at the WFCU Center
9th - A Christmas Carol performance by the WDX
14th-15th - Father Dave classroom visits
15th - WOW Assembly 1:30pm
19th - Movie and Popcorn day
21st - Christmas Carols in the gym
22nd - Technology day
23rd - Christmas Trivia and staff/student volleyball game

There will be a Unit #3 Math Test sometime around the 12th.
There will be ongoing assessments in Social Studies/Geography as we complete these units.

Computers: Thursday, December 1st

Watch the following THREE videos on stem and leaf plots. While you are watching, create your own tool kit note on Stem and Leaf plots.

Next, complete the stem and leaf plot work that Mrs. Thompson has for you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Literacy - Sell This Pen presentations W, Th

Gr. 6 - pg. 180 #1, 3, 6 (W)
Gr. 7 - pg. 176 #1, 3 abcd, 7 (W)

Social Studies - Doctors Without Borders Questions (W)

Whose Phone is This? signed (W)

- can drive Dec. 1 - 19
- book orders Dec. 1
- FINA and Christmas Carol permission forms and $ (F)

Mrs. T and Emma H. :)

One Perspective Scene

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...