Friday 31 October 2014

Friday,October 31,2014

Beatitudes foldable completed by the end of Friday. Book talks are still going on and READ๐Ÿ“–. Affich due Judie le 6 November. Kleenex please. Read a thon!!!๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ‘
By Payton

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Reminders: Wear your black and orange on Friday, houseleague assembly on Friday, Picture orders due tomorrow, Read-a-thon pledges due by Nov. 3, Anti-spam forms due Friday

Math: Beginning Unit 3, Data Management tomorrow

Literacy: Working on Book Talks, presentations continue. Read!!!

Geography: Landforms chart on mytools2go due Thursday

Religion: Beatitudes foldables due by end of religion class on Friday. 

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Tuesday,October 28th,2014

Book talks are still going on, and read.
Math  - End of Unit test-tomorrow.
Geography - Landform chart due Thursday.
Reminders - Kleenex please! Read a thon pledges due Nov.3. Picture orders by Oct.30th. Anti spam forms due Friday.
By Payton :)

Monday 27 October 2014

Monday, October 27,2014

 Book talks are still going on, don't forget to read๐Ÿ˜„. End of the unit test for math-Oct 29th. Kleenex please. Read a thon pledges till Nov.3. Picture orders by Oct.30
By Payton

Friday 24 October 2014

Friday, October 24, 2014

Book talks 
End of unit test (math) oct 28
Kleenex please 
Read a thon pledges Nov 3

Thursday 23 October 2014

Thursday, October 28, 2014

Literacy: read. Book talks continue. 
Math: end of unit 2 test Tuesday Oct 28

Reminders: read a thon pledges

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Advertisement Library

After you have finished your Advertising Webquest and have completed typing out and sending Mrs. Thompson your prayer, please view the advertisement library by clicking on the link below. Look at/watch several advertisements and choose one print ad that you would like to work with in class next week. Download and print your selected ad while we are in the computer lab. 
Click here: Advertisement Library

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Literacy: mini lesson worksheet due Thursday. 
Math: four quadrant worksheet due tomorrow. End of unit test next Monday. 
French: get tests signed and corrections done. 10 sentences. 

Read a thon pledges
Book orders due Thursday

Monday 20 October 2014

Dilations Video (Math)

View the video in preparation for dilating images in math, as part of Unit #2. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Math - Cartesian Plane sheet # 1,2,3 for tomorrow. Half of unit test tomorrow. 
French - get test signed with corrections complete
Literacy - read. 

Reminders - get Read-a-thon pledges. 
Book orders due Thursday. 

Friday 17 October 2014

Friday, October 17, 2014

Literacy: Read, book talks begin Monday
Math: try #1 on Cartesian Plane sheet
Reminders: Kleenex please
                   Book orders due October 23
                   Read a thon pledges

Mrs. Thompson 

Thursday 16 October 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Book talks begin Oct.20th
Math pg 354,355 #1,4,5,10
Mind map due 
Dictรฉe on Friday 
Kleenex please!
Book orders come home and are due October 23rd

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Book talks begin Oct 20
Math - Pg.349 #1,2,7,13
Science test signed by Thursday 
Geography mind map due Friday. 
Dictee moved to Friday 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Math quiz (17th)
Math work pg 343 #1,4,5,6,11
Dicteรฉ Thursday 
Geography started today 
Science test signed by Thursday 
-Emily :)

Friday 10 October 2014

Science tests marked!

Your tests are marked and were quite well done. Here are some sample level
4 answers for the short answer questions:

Friday, October 10, 2014

Math - pg. 339 # 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11a
         - Quiz on first four learning goals on the 17th
French - Dictee on the 16th
            - reading folder due Tuesday in class
Literacy - Book talk presentations start Oct. 20th
Religion - Personal prayers due Tuesday

Can drive ends Oct. 13th

Happy Thanksgiving! 
Mrs. Thompson. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

Science test question...

Describe the difference between preserving an ecosystem, conserving an ecosystem and restoring an ecosystem. Use examples to support your answer.


Thursday,October 9th,2014

Art-writers notebook cover due Oct.10th, also book talks start on the 20th. 
French - spelling test Thurs 16th, reading folder for French due Tues. 
Science - TEST chapter 4,5,6 TOMORROW work on lab reports(at school only). Science duotangs need to be handed in tomorrow
Geography - starts Tuesday
Can drive until October 13th.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Wednsday,October 8th,2014

Math page 335&336#1,2,5. Test signed by Thursday.

Art writers notebook cover due Oct.10. 

French spelling test. Worksheet due. 

Science test Friday. Read 6.5 and complete vocabulary activity on Tools2go by Friday. Lab report due Friday. 


Tuesday 7 October 2014

Science Powerpoint Link

Link for the Science powerpoint presentation, as seen in class today (Tuesday, October 7, 2014).

Tuesday,October 7th,2015

Math page 332,333 #4-9 due tomorrow. Math test signed by Thursday.
Art writers-notebook cover due Oct.10th.
Science Quiz signed due Wednesday. Science test chaper 4,5&6 Oct.10th, work sheet on lab reports at school only due Friday.
Picture day Thurs Oct.9th.
CAN DRIVE until October 13th.

Monday 6 October 2014

The Giver Chapter Six Link and Integers in Real Life

Click on the following links:

The Giver Chapter Six

Integers in the Real World

Monday,October 6, 2014

Today we did integers on a number line. 
Art writers notebook cover due Oct.10th. 
Get French test signed and corrections due tomorrow. 
For science test chapter 4,5,6 Oct.10th,and work on lab reports at school only . Also science quiz signed for Wednesday.
Can drive until October.13th. 
Picture day Thurday Oct.9th.  
 We read the beginning of chapter seven of The Giver.

Friday 3 October 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

Science: 6.1 The Dynamics of Succession, answer questions # 1-4 with complete sentences. Unit test on Friday, October 10. Lab due next week
(In class). 
Art: Writer's Notebook covers due Friday, October 10 (in class). 

Bring in cans for can drive
Picture day Oct. 9. 

Have a great weekend! Mrs. T. 

Thursday 2 October 2014

Student of the Month

Congratulations to our September students of the month! Our theme was Accepting Differences. October's theme is Cooperation.

Thursday,October 2,2014

Today the grade 7 class finished there science quiz!!!!!!! But we still have a science test on chapters 4-6 on Oct.10. Study! We also need to work on our lab reports at school. We have math homework tonight on 9.1 What is an Integer pg.328-329#1-5,6a and 6b due tomorrow. Can drive is finally here so bring in your cans!!! And last but not least picture day is Thursday October 9th. For our art we are still working on our writers notebook covers and they are due Oct.10. They are looking great!!! ๐Ÿ‘
Sarah Busch

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Wednesday,October 1,2014

Hello classmates and parents/guardians the class of 7T has an art assignment going on it's our writers notebook cover due Oct.10. The Giver questions are due tomorrow. We have a science quiz on chapters 4 and 5 on Oct.2. We also have a science test on chapters 4,5,and 6 on Oct.9. We also have to work on our science lab reports at school. We have picture day Oct.9 so bring your smiles๐Ÿ˜ƒ!!!!!
Sarah Busch 

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...