Tuesday 30 September 2014

The Giver Chapter Five

Read chapter 5 here

Tuesday,September 30,2014

Our writers notebook cover is due on October 10th. Also we have a science quiz chapter 4 and 5 on Oct.2 and we have a test chapter 4,5,and 6 on Oct.9. We have to work on our science lab reports at school. We have science homework tonight pg.134 numbers 1,2,4. Picture day Thursday Oct.9. 

Monday 29 September 2014

Monday,September 29,2014

The class 7T has a math test tomorrow please study. We also have a science quiz on October 2 chapters 4-5 please study for that also. We have a test in science on October 9 chapters 4,5,and 6 study!!! Today we also read a little bit of the book The Giver. We are almost done chapter four. 
Sarah Busch

Thursday 25 September 2014

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Test September 30th
Dictèe Monday
Quiz chapter 4 and 5 October 2
Test chapter 4,5,& 6 (unit) October 9
Materials for writers notebook
~Jessica Tannous

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Test September 20th
Math worksheet due tomorrow
Dictèe Monday
Connections for independent reading books due tomorrow
Bring in your toonies for Terry
Wear red and white tomorrow
Bring in your materials for writers notebook  
~Jessica Tannous 

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Science investigation: What items will break down if buried in soil?

Some of our mini composters... The second picture is what watermelon looks like after two weeks in a mini composter. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Test September 30
Breath Worksheet (1A,B,C,D,E)
#2 Graph + Table  (Heartbeat)
Connection for Thursday (at school only)
Page 128 numbers 1-5
Dictée next Monday
Book orders due September 24
December 4 Hep B Shots
Toonies for Terry
Wear red and white on Thursday
~Jessica Tannous 

Monday 22 September 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

September 30: Unit 1 Test
Heart Worksheet Only #1 Due Tomorrow (Tuesday) 
Connection for Thursday (At School Only)
Dictée Next Monday 
Theme for writers notebook cover by Monday
Bring in magazines if you can
Book orders due September 24

~Jessica Tannous 

Friday 19 September 2014

Friday, September 18, 2014

September 30 Unit 1 math test.
Theme for writers notebook cover by Monday.
Old magazines.
Hep B shots December 4.
Science pg. 113 # 1, 2, 3, 4 due Monday - answered WITH COMPLETE SENTENCES PLEASE :)
Science unit test coming up October 9th. 

                            Thank You Parents!
                                 Alicia Miller!

Thursday 18 September 2014

Thursday September 18 2014

September 30 is our Unit 1 math test.
Science text Oct. 9.
Art portfolio due tomorrow at the end of class.
Writers notebook book cover theme by Monday.
Old magazines for class.
Book orders due September 24.
Hep B forms September 19.
December 4 Hep B shots.

                                             Thank You Parents!
                                                                     Alicia Miller!

A Peek Inside My Writer's Notebook

Here is the video we watched in class. It has many ideas for writer's notebook entries.


Wednesday 17 September 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

September 30 Unit 1 math test.
Math pattern sheet due tomorrow.
Music sheet signed by tomorrow.
Art portfolio due Friday.
Theme for writers notebook cover by Monday. 
Hep B forms due Friday.
Hep B shots Dec 4th.
Book orders due September 24 2014.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

On the 30th of September we have a Unit 1 math test.
Independent reading book in class and at home.
Music form signed by Thursday. And our art portfolio cover is due Friday completed (in class).

Monday 15 September 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Math: Revisit your toothpick pattern (Sept. 9/10). Find two other ways to express your pattern. Consider other rules for generating the same pattern and/or express the pattern using variable, if appropriate. Due tomorrow. 

Music form signed by Thursday, and art portfolio due Friday.
Meet the teacher tomorrow form 5:00/6:30.
Hep B shots on Dec 4
Hep B forms due Sept 19

Independent Reading book ASAP!

Today in Literacy we finished reading 'The Butterfly' and we made some connections to the book.
Making our observations on the science experiment.
We wrote a good copy of our new Our Father prayer.

                                        Alicia Miller

Friday 12 September 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

Today we joined up with our little buddies for an amazing Paraliturgy thanks to our Parish Priest, 3M, 5N and our awesome choir.
Our math test is on September 30th, the music form needs to be signed and returned by Thursday. The Science observation chart needs to be made by Tuesday and art portfolio by Friday.
There is also page 99 numbers 1 to 3 in Science.  
Meet the teacher is on the 16th and the Hep B forms are due on the 19th and will will be done on the 4th of December.  We got lots of reading in today, and did high intensity interval training in gym.

                                         The day went fast but it was fun while it lasted!

Thursday 11 September 2014

Thursday, September 11 2014

          Today we went to music early and met our little buddies!  The student verification forms are still due Friday,  and the Hep B forms are due the 16th.   We worked on our portfolios and read The Butterfly to start to make connections.

                                             Today was super fun!

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

 Today's homework is in math.  It has three parts.  It is listed below.  You should draw your pattern.

a)  Design another toothpick pattern, building and recording the first 3 terms.
b) Explain your pattern.
c)  Consider how many toothpicks would be required to build the 100th term in the pattern.
Hypothesis for our Science Investigation due tomorrow. Must incorporate all six materials and their reasoning for their prediction.

                    Today, we got homework help set up and learned a cool trick on My tools 2 go.ca from Mr.Sisco. We kept working on setting up a science sheet about our experiments.
                                                                 Today was amazing!

Tuesday 9 September 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

   Today we have no homework!  Although that the student verification forms are due Friday.  We started our three-week long experiment with dead materials today and we also learned about analogous colours as we started our art portfolios.  As a group we checked over our diagnostic assessments.  Finally, we made toothpick patterns and discussed patterning through a concept map.
                                                          Today was great!

Monday 8 September 2014

Monday, September 8th, 2014

   All materials for the experiment are due Tuesday.  Also is a textbook search in science due tomorrow. We played four corner soccer for gym and everyone had a great time!  We worked on our first diagnostic assessment of the year for math.  We started talking about our reading book, The Giver, and it's author, Lois Lowry. 

                        Hopefully tomorrow (and the rest of the school year) will be as great as today was.


As a class we have established the following organization system for our duotangs:

Math - Orange
Literacy - Green
French - Blue
Science/Geography/History - Light Blue
Health - Red
Religion/Family Life - Purple or Pink
The Arts - Yellow or White

Sunday 7 September 2014

Science Investigation

We will begin our science investigation tomorrow. We are investigating which materials decomposers break down in soil. This investigation will take four weeks to complete. 

Please remember all materials for tomorrow. 

If anyone has any extra 2L pop bottles or netting/window screening/cheese cloth, we are in need of more of these items. 

Mrs. Thompson picked up a large bag of top soil, if any groups were needing garden soil. 

See you in the morning :)

Friday 5 September 2014

Friday, September 5, 2014

    Today was our first Friday of school!  All of the homework is due Monday.  The work is to finish Figure Me Out (Math), and get the materials needed for the experiment (Science).  Don't forget to bring in the  Introducing Your Child and Field trip sheets filled out by Monday.  An independent reading book, gym clothes and running shoes are also needed.
    We did a group activity where we built a puzzle that lead to a group talk about teamwork and lots things we shouldn't forget.  There was also the high intensity workout where we did Mountain climbers and Squat jumps.  We also got to mark our quizzes about us that Mrs.Thompson had to do.

                                            Hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday 4 September 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Today we discussed a Science experiment that will be part of our first unit. Students discussed which materials they thought they would be able to bring. Students will be speaking to their parents about that tonight. Materials need to be in class Monday, but can be brought in tomorrow.

Literacy: Writer's Notebook entry due tomorrow (What I Need to be Successful this Year)

Independent reading books are needed at school each day.
Phys. ed clothing and shoes are needed for Monday, Wednesday and Friday classes.
Introducing your child and blue forms should be returned by Monday at the latest.

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Math - Ready, Set, Go: front and back due Thursday
Literacy - Final draft of My Quiz for Thursday

Introducing your child and the blue form due Monday

Tuesday 2 September 2014

First Day of School

Great day with a great class... 

Many items coming home. 

Remember to get your blue walking form signed and returned by Monday, September 8 along with the Introducing My Child Questions. 

February Events

Thursday, February 7th - Hot Dog day , Library Visit (dress warm, bring your library card and books to return) Monday, February 11...